Fix formatting with stylua

Ensar Sarajčić 2022-04-28 15:53:54 +02:00
parent bb4a89707f
commit e2ffbe8de0
23 changed files with 1101 additions and 1155 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ end
-- Allow `require('impatient')` to fail, in case plugins are not yet installed -- Allow `require('impatient')` to fail, in case plugins are not yet installed
_ = pcall(require, "impatient") _ = pcall(require, "impatient")
vim.cmd [[filetype plugin indent on]] vim.cmd([[filetype plugin indent on]])
vim.api.nvim_exec('let $OVIMHOME = $HOME."/.vim"', false) vim.api.nvim_exec('let $OVIMHOME = $HOME."/.vim"', false)
vim.api.nvim_exec('let $VIMHOME = $HOME."/.config/nvim"', false) vim.api.nvim_exec('let $VIMHOME = $HOME."/.config/nvim"', false)

View File

@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ local M = {}
-- Gets project root directory based on projectionist -- Gets project root directory based on projectionist
function M.get_project_root() function M.get_project_root()
return vim.fn['projectionist#path']() return vim.fn["projectionist#path"]()
end end
-- Get unique project ID based on git repository -- Get unique project ID based on git repository
function M.get_project_id() function M.get_project_id()
local remote_url = vim.fn['fugitive#RemoteUrl']() local remote_url = vim.fn["fugitive#RemoteUrl"]()
remote_url = remote_url:gsub("/", ":") remote_url = remote_url:gsub("/", ":")
return remote_url return remote_url
end end

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ local function get_pr_url(...)
-- Remove prefix if it is available, for some of common git services -- Remove prefix if it is available, for some of common git services
local common_services = { "", "", "" } local common_services = { "", "", "" }
for k, service in pairs(common_services) do for k, service in pairs(common_services) do
if (string.find(origin_url, service, 1, true)) then if string.find(origin_url, service, 1, true) then
-- Common mechanism for managing multiple SSH keys -- Common mechanism for managing multiple SSH keys
origin_url = string.gsub(origin_url, "://.*" .. service, "://" .. service) origin_url = string.gsub(origin_url, "://.*" .. service, "://" .. service)
end end
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ local function get_pr_url(...)
-- This part probably only works on github -- This part probably only works on github
local pr_url local pr_url
if (select("#", ...) == 0) then if select("#", ...) == 0 then
pr_url = origin_url .. "/compare/" .. vim.fn.FugitiveHead() .. "?expand=1" pr_url = origin_url .. "/compare/" .. vim.fn.FugitiveHead() .. "?expand=1"
else else
pr_url = origin_url .. "/compare/" .. select(1, ...) .. "..." .. vim.fn.FugitiveHead() .. "?expand=1" pr_url = origin_url .. "/compare/" .. select(1, ...) .. "..." .. vim.fn.FugitiveHead() .. "?expand=1"

View File

@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ local download_packer = function()
vim.fn.mkdir(directory, "p") vim.fn.mkdir(directory, "p")
local out = local out = vim.fn.system(
string.format("git clone %s %s", "", directory .. "/packer.nvim") string.format("git clone %s %s", "", directory .. "/packer.nvim")
) )

View File

@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
return require("packer").startup { return require("packer").startup({
function(use) function(use)
use "wbthomason/packer.nvim" use("wbthomason/packer.nvim")
-- Tpope general improvements -- Tpope general improvements
use "tpope/vim-sensible" -- Sane defaults use("tpope/vim-sensible") -- Sane defaults
use "tpope/vim-endwise" -- Add closing statements automatically for if, function etc use("tpope/vim-endwise") -- Add closing statements automatically for if, function etc
use "tpope/vim-surround" -- Surround with ', ", etc use("tpope/vim-surround") -- Surround with ', ", etc
use "tpope/vim-fugitive" -- Git integration use("tpope/vim-fugitive") -- Git integration
use "tpope/vim-vinegar" -- Netrw improvements use("tpope/vim-vinegar") -- Netrw improvements
use "tpope/vim-obsession" -- Session.vim management use("tpope/vim-obsession") -- Session.vim management
use "tpope/vim-dadbod" -- Database access use("tpope/vim-dadbod") -- Database access
use "kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-ui" -- UI For Dadbod use("kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-ui") -- UI For Dadbod
use "tpope/vim-speeddating" -- <C-A> and <C-X> for dates use("tpope/vim-speeddating") -- <C-A> and <C-X> for dates
use "tpope/vim-dispatch" -- Dispatch command use("tpope/vim-dispatch") -- Dispatch command
use "tpope/vim-projectionist" -- Project config file! use("tpope/vim-projectionist") -- Project config file!
use "tpope/vim-unimpaired" -- Additional [ and ] mappings use("tpope/vim-unimpaired") -- Additional [ and ] mappings
use "tpope/vim-repeat" -- Better . repeat use("tpope/vim-repeat") -- Better . repeat
use "tpope/vim-commentary" -- Commenting motion use("tpope/vim-commentary") -- Commenting motion
use "tpope/vim-sleuth" -- Intendation heuristics use("tpope/vim-sleuth") -- Intendation heuristics
-- General improvements -- General improvements
use "lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim" -- Git signs use("lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim") -- Git signs
use "godlygeek/tabular" -- Tabular command for alignment use("godlygeek/tabular") -- Tabular command for alignment
use "vim-scripts/utl.vim" -- Universal text linking use("vim-scripts/utl.vim") -- Universal text linking
use {"mbbill/undotree", cmd = "UndotreeToggle"} -- Undos in a tree for easy access use({ "mbbill/undotree", cmd = "UndotreeToggle" }) -- Undos in a tree for easy access
use "mhinz/vim-grepper" -- Grepper command - improved grepping throughout project use("mhinz/vim-grepper") -- Grepper command - improved grepping throughout project
use "radenling/vim-dispatch-neovim" -- vim-dispatch for neovim - uses terminal use("radenling/vim-dispatch-neovim") -- vim-dispatch for neovim - uses terminal
use "wellle/targets.vim" -- Additional targets for inside and around motions use("wellle/targets.vim") -- Additional targets for inside and around motions
use "flazz/vim-colorschemes" -- All popular colorschemes use("flazz/vim-colorschemes") -- All popular colorschemes
use "romainl/vim-qf" -- Quickfix list upgrades use("romainl/vim-qf") -- Quickfix list upgrades
use "romainl/vim-devdocs" -- Quick search using :DD use("romainl/vim-devdocs") -- Quick search using :DD
use "gpanders/editorconfig.nvim" -- .editorconfig support use("gpanders/editorconfig.nvim") -- .editorconfig support
use "lewis6991/impatient.nvim" -- Caching lua modules for faster startup use("lewis6991/impatient.nvim") -- Caching lua modules for faster startup
-- Tools -- Tools
use "direnv/direnv.vim" -- Integration with Direnv use("direnv/direnv.vim") -- Integration with Direnv
use "vim-test/vim-test" -- Running tests from vim use("vim-test/vim-test") -- Running tests from vim
use "mfussenegger/nvim-dap" -- Debug Adapter Protocol use("mfussenegger/nvim-dap") -- Debug Adapter Protocol
use "rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui" -- UI components for DAP use("rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui") -- UI components for DAP
use "theHamsta/nvim-dap-virtual-text" -- Virtual text display for DAP use("theHamsta/nvim-dap-virtual-text") -- Virtual text display for DAP
use "diepm/vim-rest-console" -- REST console for vim use("diepm/vim-rest-console") -- REST console for vim
use "jamestthompson3/nvim-remote-containers" -- devcontainer.json support use("jamestthompson3/nvim-remote-containers") -- devcontainer.json support
use "jbyuki/one-small-step-for-vimkind" -- Debugger for Nvim-Lua use("jbyuki/one-small-step-for-vimkind") -- Debugger for Nvim-Lua
-- Snippets -- Snippets
use "L3MON4D3/LuaSnip" -- snippets support use("L3MON4D3/LuaSnip") -- snippets support
use "rafamadriz/friendly-snippets" -- Collection of snippets use("rafamadriz/friendly-snippets") -- Collection of snippets
use "saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip" -- cmp snippets support use("saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip") -- cmp snippets support
-- Language support -- Language support
use "tpope/vim-rails" -- Enables all rails command through vim and integrates with projectionist use("tpope/vim-rails") -- Enables all rails command through vim and integrates with projectionist
use "c-brenn/phoenix.vim" -- Similar to vim-rails, but for phoenix use("c-brenn/phoenix.vim") -- Similar to vim-rails, but for phoenix
use "tpope/vim-salve" -- Clojure integration with projectionist use("tpope/vim-salve") -- Clojure integration with projectionist
use "tpope/vim-fireplace" -- Clojure REPL and integration use("tpope/vim-fireplace") -- Clojure REPL and integration
use "vimwiki/vimwiki" -- Vimwiki - personal wiki in vim use("vimwiki/vimwiki") -- Vimwiki - personal wiki in vim
use "esensar/vimwiki-reviews-lua" -- Vimwiki extension for periodic reviews use("esensar/vimwiki-reviews-lua") -- Vimwiki extension for periodic reviews
use "ledger/vim-ledger" -- Support for ledger-cli format use("ledger/vim-ledger") -- Support for ledger-cli format
use "tandrewnichols/vim-docile" -- Support for vim doc.txt format use("tandrewnichols/vim-docile") -- Support for vim doc.txt format
use "habamax/vim-godot" -- Godot engine (and script) support use("habamax/vim-godot") -- Godot engine (and script) support
use "guns/vim-sexp" -- Precision editing for S-expressions use("guns/vim-sexp") -- Precision editing for S-expressions
use("tpope/vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people") -- Simpler keymaps for vim-sexp use("tpope/vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people") -- Simpler keymaps for vim-sexp
use "tridactyl/vim-tridactyl" -- Tridactyl config file support use("tridactyl/vim-tridactyl") -- Tridactyl config file support
use "aklt/plantuml-syntax" -- PlantUML support use("aklt/plantuml-syntax") -- PlantUML support
use "cdelledonne/vim-cmake" -- CMake integration use("cdelledonne/vim-cmake") -- CMake integration
-- Treesitter -- Treesitter
use {"nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", run = ":TSUpdate"} -- Treesitter integration use({ "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", run = ":TSUpdate" }) -- Treesitter integration
use "nvim-treesitter/playground" -- TSPlaygroundToggle - access treesitter data use("nvim-treesitter/playground") -- TSPlaygroundToggle - access treesitter data
-- LSP -- LSP
use "neovim/nvim-lspconfig" -- Easy LSP Config use("neovim/nvim-lspconfig") -- Easy LSP Config
use "alexaandru/nvim-lspupdate" -- Easy install and update for many LSP servers use("alexaandru/nvim-lspupdate") -- Easy install and update for many LSP servers
use "hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp" -- LSP source for cmp use("hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp") -- LSP source for cmp
use "hrsh7th/cmp-buffer" -- Buffer source for nvim-cmp use("hrsh7th/cmp-buffer") -- Buffer source for nvim-cmp
use "hrsh7th/cmp-path" -- Path source for nvim-cmp use("hrsh7th/cmp-path") -- Path source for nvim-cmp
use "hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua" -- Nvim-Lua source for nvim-cmp use("hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua") -- Nvim-Lua source for nvim-cmp
use "hrsh7th/nvim-cmp" -- completion integration use("hrsh7th/nvim-cmp") -- completion integration
use "nvim-lua/lsp_extensions.nvim" -- LSP extensions (like closing labels for Dart) use("nvim-lua/lsp_extensions.nvim") -- LSP extensions (like closing labels for Dart)
use "jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim" -- Linting and formatting use("jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim") -- Linting and formatting
-- LSP language specific -- LSP language specific
use "tjdevries/nlua.nvim" -- Built-in Lua integration with LSP use("tjdevries/nlua.nvim") -- Built-in Lua integration with LSP
use "akinsho/flutter-tools.nvim" -- Additional flutter integrations use("akinsho/flutter-tools.nvim") -- Additional flutter integrations
use "mfussenegger/nvim-jdtls" -- Additional java integrations use("mfussenegger/nvim-jdtls") -- Additional java integrations
-- Lua support -- Lua support
use "nvim-lua/popup.nvim" -- Popup API integration - needed for some plugins use("nvim-lua/popup.nvim") -- Popup API integration - needed for some plugins
use "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" -- Lua helpers use("nvim-lua/plenary.nvim") -- Lua helpers
-- Telescope -- Telescope
use "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" -- Fuzzy searcher use("nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim") -- Fuzzy searcher
use "nvim-telescope/telescope-dap.nvim" -- DAP integration for Telescope use("nvim-telescope/telescope-dap.nvim") -- DAP integration for Telescope
end end,
} })

View File

@ -4,12 +4,14 @@
-- Set completeopt to have a better completion experience -- Set completeopt to have a better completion experience
vim.o.completeopt = "menu,menuone,noselect" vim.o.completeopt = "menu,menuone,noselect"
local cmp = require "cmp" local cmp = require("cmp")
local luasnip = require("luasnip") local luasnip = require("luasnip")
cmp.setup { cmp.setup({
snippet = { snippet = {
expand = function(args) require'luasnip'.lsp_expand(args.body) end expand = function(args)
}, },
mapping = { mapping = {
["<C-d>"] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4), ["<C-d>"] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4),
@ -44,10 +46,13 @@ cmp.setup {
else else
fallback() fallback()
end end
end, {"i", "s"}) end, { "i", "s" }),
}, },
sources = { sources = {
{name = "nvim_lsp"}, {name = "nvim_lua"}, {name = "path"}, { name = "nvim_lsp" },
{name = "luasnip"}, {name = "buffer"} { name = "nvim_lua" },
} { name = "path" },
} { name = "luasnip" },
{ name = "buffer" },

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- - LSP diagnostics config - -- - LSP diagnostics config -
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local null_ls = require('null-ls') local null_ls = require("null-ls")
null_ls.setup({ null_ls.setup({
sources = { sources = {
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ null_ls.setup({
null_ls.builtins.formatting.cmake_format, null_ls.builtins.formatting.cmake_format,
-- Lua -- Lua
null_ls.builtins.formatting.lua_format, null_ls.builtins.formatting.stylua,
-- Dart -- Dart
null_ls.builtins.formatting.dart_format, null_ls.builtins.formatting.dart_format,
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ null_ls.setup({
augroup END augroup END
]]) ]])
end end
end end,
}) })
vim.keymap.set("n", "]w", vim.diagnostic.goto_next) vim.keymap.set("n", "]w", vim.diagnostic.goto_next)

View File

@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ local common_config = require("lsp.server_config")
local M = {} local M = {}
function M.setup() function M.setup()
require "jdtls".setup_dap() require("jdtls").setup_dap()
require "jdtls.setup".add_commands() require("jdtls.setup").add_commands()
local on_attach = function(client, bufnr) local on_attach = function(client, bufnr) = "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc" = "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc"
common_config.on_attach(client, bufnr) common_config.on_attach(client, bufnr)
local code_action_fun = function() local code_action_fun = function()
require "jdtls".code_action() require("jdtls").code_action()
end end
vim.keymap.set("n", "<A-CR>", code_action_fun) vim.keymap.set("n", "<A-CR>", code_action_fun)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<Leader>ac", code_action_fun) vim.keymap.set("n", "<Leader>ac", code_action_fun)
@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ function M.setup()
local workspace_folder = home .. "/.workspace" .. vim.fn.fnamemodify(root_dir, ":p:h:t") local workspace_folder = home .. "/.workspace" .. vim.fn.fnamemodify(root_dir, ":p:h:t")
local config = { local config = {
flags = { flags = {
allow_incremental_sync = true allow_incremental_sync = true,
}, },
on_attach = on_attach on_attach = on_attach,
} }
config.settings = { config.settings = {
java = { java = {
@ -37,21 +37,21 @@ function M.setup()
sources = { sources = {
organizeImports = { organizeImports = {
starThreshold = 9999, starThreshold = 9999,
staticStarThreshold = 9999 staticStarThreshold = 9999,
} },
} },
} },
} }
config.cmd = { "", workspace_folder } config.cmd = { "", workspace_folder }
config.on_init = function(client, _) config.on_init = function(client, _)
client.notify("workspace/didChangeConfiguration", { settings = config.settings }) client.notify("workspace/didChangeConfiguration", { settings = config.settings })
end end
local extendedClientCapabilities = require "jdtls".extendedClientCapabilities local extendedClientCapabilities = require("jdtls").extendedClientCapabilities
extendedClientCapabilities.resolveAdditionalTextEditsSupport = true extendedClientCapabilities.resolveAdditionalTextEditsSupport = true
config.init_options = { config.init_options = {
-- bundles = bundles; -- bundles = bundles;
extendedClientCapabilities = extendedClientCapabilities extendedClientCapabilities = extendedClientCapabilities,
} }
-- Server -- Server

View File

@ -9,60 +9,15 @@ M.on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
-- Lsp keymaps -- Lsp keymaps
local opts = { buffer = bufnr } local opts = { buffer = bufnr }
vim.keymap.set( vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-]>", vim.lsp.buf.definition, opts)
"n", vim.keymap.set("n", "gD", vim.lsp.buf.declaration, opts)
"<C-]>", vim.keymap.set("n", "gr", vim.lsp.buf.references, opts)
vim.lsp.buf.definition, vim.keymap.set("n", "gi", vim.lsp.buf.implementation, opts)
opts vim.keymap.set("n", "<Leader>rn", vim.lsp.buf.rename, opts)
) vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-k>", vim.lsp.buf.signature_help, opts)
vim.keymap.set( vim.keymap.set("n", "K", vim.lsp.buf.hover, opts)
"n", vim.keymap.set("n", "<A-CR>", vim.lsp.buf.code_action, opts)
"gD", vim.keymap.set("n", "<Leader>ac", vim.lsp.buf.code_action, opts)
end end
return M return M

View File

@ -29,52 +29,49 @@ local servers = {
"vimls", "vimls",
} }
for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do
lspconfig[lsp].setup { lspconfig[lsp].setup({
on_attach = common_config.on_attach, on_attach = common_config.on_attach,
capabilities = capabilities capabilities = capabilities,
} })
end end
lspconfig["gdscript"].setup { lspconfig["gdscript"].setup({
on_attach = common_config.on_attach, on_attach = common_config.on_attach,
capabilities = capabilities, capabilities = capabilities,
flags = { flags = {
-- Slow Godot LS -- Slow Godot LS
debounce_text_changes = 600 debounce_text_changes = 600,
} },
} })
-- Lua bultin lsp -- Lua bultin lsp
require("nlua.lsp.nvim").setup( require("nlua.lsp.nvim").setup(lspconfig, {
on_attach = common_config.on_attach, on_attach = common_config.on_attach,
capabilities = capabilities, capabilities = capabilities,
-- Include globals you want to tell the LSP are real :) -- Include globals you want to tell the LSP are real :)
globals = {} globals = {},
} })
-- Flutter tools -- Flutter tools
require("flutter-tools").setup { require("flutter-tools").setup({
lsp = { lsp = {
on_attach = common_config.on_attach, on_attach = common_config.on_attach,
capabilities = capabilities capabilities = capabilities,
} },
} })
-- Dotnet LS -- Dotnet LS
local pid = vim.fn.getpid() local pid = vim.fn.getpid()
local omnisharp_bin = vim.fn.glob("$HOME") .. "/lsp/dotnet/omnisharp/run" local omnisharp_bin = vim.fn.glob("$HOME") .. "/lsp/dotnet/omnisharp/run"
lspconfig.omnisharp.setup { lspconfig.omnisharp.setup({
cmd = { omnisharp_bin, "--languageserver", "--hostPID", tostring(pid) }, cmd = { omnisharp_bin, "--languageserver", "--hostPID", tostring(pid) },
on_attach = common_config.on_attach, on_attach = common_config.on_attach,
capabilities = capabilities capabilities = capabilities,
} })
-- Leminx (XML Language server) -- Leminx (XML Language server)
lspconfig.lemminx.setup { lspconfig.lemminx.setup({
cmd = { "lemminx" }, cmd = { "lemminx" },
on_attach = common_config.on_attach, on_attach = common_config.on_attach,
capabilities = capabilities capabilities = capabilities,
} })

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ end
local function open_rest_console(file) local function open_rest_console(file)
new_tab_if_needed() new_tab_if_needed()
local ending = ".rest" local ending = ".rest"
if file:sub(-(#ending)) ~= ending then if file:sub(-#ending) ~= ending then
file = file .. ".rest" file = file .. ".rest"
end end
vim.cmd("e " .. file) vim.cmd("e " .. file)
@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ end
-- Opens up a rest console which can be saved -- cached by name -- Opens up a rest console which can be saved -- cached by name
function M.open_cached_rest_console(...) function M.open_cached_rest_console(...)
local name = select(1, ...) local name = select(1, ...)
if (select("#", ...) == 0) then if select("#", ...) == 0 then
name = require "common.projects".get_project_id() name = require("common.projects").get_project_id()
end end
open_cached_rest_console(name) open_cached_rest_console(name)
end end
-- Opens up a rest console which can be saved -- cached by name -- Opens up a rest console which can be saved -- cached by name
function M.open_named_cached_rest_console(name) function M.open_named_cached_rest_console(name)
name = require "common.projects".get_project_id() .. name name = require("common.projects").get_project_id() .. name
open_cached_rest_console(name) open_cached_rest_console(name)
end end
-- Opens up a rest console based on local file path -- Opens up a rest console based on local file path
function M.open_local_rest_console(...) function M.open_local_rest_console(...)
local file = select(1, ...) local file = select(1, ...)
if (select("#", ...) == 0) then if select("#", ...) == 0 then
file = "default" file = "default"
end end
open_rest_console(file) open_rest_console(file)

View File

@ -22,16 +22,12 @@ function M.get_directory_index(vimwiki_index, directory)
local dir = M.get_vimwiki_subdir(vimwiki_index, directory) local dir = M.get_vimwiki_subdir(vimwiki_index, directory)
local path = Path:new(dir):expand() local path = Path:new(dir):expand()
local entries = local entries = scandir.scan_dir(path, {
hidden = false, hidden = false,
add_dirs = false, add_dirs = false,
respect_gitignore = true, respect_gitignore = true,
depth = 1 depth = 1,
} })
local index = {} local index = {}
@ -60,12 +56,12 @@ function M.open_subdirectory_index_file(vimwiki_index, subdirectory)
local lines = { local lines = {
builder.header(1, subdirectory:sub(1, 1):upper() .. subdirectory:sub(2)), builder.header(1, subdirectory:sub(1, 1):upper() .. subdirectory:sub(2)),
"" "",
} }
-- Add items -- Add items
for title, fname in pairs(index) do for title, fname in pairs(index) do
if (title ~= "index") then if title ~= "index" then
title = string.gsub(title, "-", " ") title = string.gsub(title, "-", " ")
title = title:sub(1, 1):upper() .. title:sub(2) title = title:sub(1, 1):upper() .. title:sub(2)
table.insert(lines, builder.list_item(, title))) table.insert(lines, builder.list_item(, title)))

View File

@ -4,40 +4,21 @@
local dap = require("dap") local dap = require("dap")
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd( vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
pattern = "dap-repl", pattern = "dap-repl",
callback = function(args) callback = function(args)
require("dap.ext.autocompl").attach() require("dap.ext.autocompl").attach()
end end,
} })
-- Nvim DAP Treesitter integration -- Nvim DAP Treesitter integration
require("nvim-dap-virtual-text").setup() require("nvim-dap-virtual-text").setup()
-- Keymaps -- Keymaps
vim.keymap.set( vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>db", dap.toggle_breakpoint)
"n", vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dc", dap.continue)
"<leader>db", vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dso", dap.step_over)
dap.toggle_breakpoint vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dsi", dap.step_into)
-- Nvim DAP UI -- Nvim DAP UI
local dapui = require("dapui") local dapui = require("dapui")
@ -56,13 +37,9 @@ dap.listeners.after["event_initialized"]["me"] = function()
end end
end end
end end
vim.keymap.set( vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "K", function()
{"n", "v"},
dapui.eval() dapui.eval()
end end)
end end
dap.listeners.after["event_terminated"]["me"] = function() dap.listeners.after["event_terminated"]["me"] = function()
@ -76,7 +53,7 @@ end
dap.adapters.lldb = { dap.adapters.lldb = {
type = "executable", type = "executable",
command = "lldb-vscode", command = "lldb-vscode",
name = "lldb" name = "lldb",
} }
dap.configurations.cpp = { dap.configurations.cpp = {
@ -108,7 +85,7 @@ dap.configurations.cpp = {
-- lldb-vscode will receive a `SIGWINCH` signal which can cause problems -- lldb-vscode will receive a `SIGWINCH` signal which can cause problems
-- To avoid that uncomment the following option -- To avoid that uncomment the following option
-- See -- See
postRunCommands = {"process handle -p true -s false -n false SIGWINCH"} postRunCommands = { "process handle -p true -s false -n false SIGWINCH" },
}, },
{ {
name = "Launch with args", name = "Launch with args",
@ -123,14 +100,14 @@ dap.configurations.cpp = {
return vim.split(vim.fn.input("Args: "), " ") return vim.split(vim.fn.input("Args: "), " ")
end, end,
runInTerminal = false, runInTerminal = false,
postRunCommands = {"process handle -p true -s false -n false SIGWINCH"} postRunCommands = { "process handle -p true -s false -n false SIGWINCH" },
}, },
{ {
name = "Attach to process", name = "Attach to process",
type = "lldb", type = "lldb",
request = "attach", request = "attach",
pid = require("dap.utils").pick_process, pid = require("dap.utils").pick_process,
args = {} args = {},
}, },
{ {
name = "Attach to PID", name = "Attach to PID",
@ -139,8 +116,8 @@ dap.configurations.cpp = {
pid = function() pid = function()
return tonumber(vim.fn.input("PID: ")) return tonumber(vim.fn.input("PID: "))
end, end,
args = {} args = {},
} },
} }
dap.configurations.c = dap.configurations.cpp dap.configurations.c = dap.configurations.cpp

View File

@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
-- - Fugitive.vim setup and extra commands - -- - Fugitive.vim setup and extra commands -
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=0 Ggpush :lua require('fugitive_extensions').push_origin()]] vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=0 Ggpush :lua require('fugitive_extensions').push_origin()]])
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=0 Ggpull :lua require('fugitive_extensions').pull_origin()]] vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=0 Ggpull :lua require('fugitive_extensions').pull_origin()]])
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=? Gpropen :lua require('fugitive_extensions').open_new_pr(<f-args>)]] vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=? Gpropen :lua require('fugitive_extensions').open_new_pr(<f-args>)]])
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=? Gpr Gpropen <args>]] vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=? Gpr Gpropen <args>]])
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=? Gprprint :lua require('fugitive_extensions').print_pr_url(<f-args>)]] vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=? Gprprint :lua require('fugitive_extensions').print_pr_url(<f-args>)]])
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=? Gprcopy :lua require('fugitive_extensions').copy_pr_url(<f-args>)]] vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=? Gprcopy :lua require('fugitive_extensions').copy_pr_url(<f-args>)]])
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=1 Gcbranch :lua require('fugitive_extensions').create_branch(<f-args>)]] vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=1 Gcbranch :lua require('fugitive_extensions').create_branch(<f-args>)]])
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=0 Gcmaster :lua require('fugitive_extensions').checkout_branch('main')]] vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=0 Gcmaster :lua require('fugitive_extensions').checkout_branch('main')]])
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=0 Gcm Gcmaster]] vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=0 Gcm Gcmaster]])
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=0 Gcdev :lua require('fugitive_extensions').checkout_branch('develop')]] vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=0 Gcdev :lua require('fugitive_extensions').checkout_branch('develop')]])
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=1 Gcheckout :lua require('fugitive_extensions').checkout_branch(<f-args>)]] vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=1 Gcheckout :lua require('fugitive_extensions').checkout_branch(<f-args>)]])
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=1 Gc Gcheckout <args>]] vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=1 Gc Gcheckout <args>]])

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
require('gitsigns').setup { require("gitsigns").setup({
on_attach = function(bufnr) on_attach = function(bufnr)
local gs = package.loaded.gitsigns local gs = package.loaded.gitsigns
@ -9,32 +9,44 @@ require('gitsigns').setup {
end end
-- Navigation -- Navigation
map('n', ']c', function() map("n", "]c", function()
if vim.wo.diff then return ']c' end if vim.wo.diff then
vim.schedule(function() gs.next_hunk() end) return "]c"
return '<Ignore>' end
return "<Ignore>"
end, { expr = true }) end, { expr = true })
map('n', '[c', function() map("n", "[c", function()
if vim.wo.diff then return '[c' end if vim.wo.diff then
vim.schedule(function() gs.prev_hunk() end) return "[c"
return '<Ignore>' end
return "<Ignore>"
end, { expr = true }) end, { expr = true })
-- Actions -- Actions
map({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>hs', ':Gitsigns stage_hunk<CR>') map({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>hs", ":Gitsigns stage_hunk<CR>")
map({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>hr', ':Gitsigns reset_hunk<CR>') map({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>hr", ":Gitsigns reset_hunk<CR>")
map('n', '<leader>hS', gs.stage_buffer) map("n", "<leader>hS", gs.stage_buffer)
map('n', '<leader>hu', gs.undo_stage_hunk) map("n", "<leader>hu", gs.undo_stage_hunk)
map('n', '<leader>hR', gs.reset_buffer) map("n", "<leader>hR", gs.reset_buffer)
map('n', '<leader>hp', gs.preview_hunk) map("n", "<leader>hp", gs.preview_hunk)
map('n', '<leader>hb', function() gs.blame_line{full=true} end) map("n", "<leader>hb", function()
map('n', '<leader>tb', gs.toggle_current_line_blame) gs.blame_line({ full = true })
map('n', '<leader>hd', gs.diffthis) end)
map('n', '<leader>hD', function() gs.diffthis('~') end) map("n", "<leader>tb", gs.toggle_current_line_blame)
map('n', '<leader>td', gs.toggle_deleted) map("n", "<leader>hd", gs.diffthis)
map("n", "<leader>hD", function()
map("n", "<leader>td", gs.toggle_deleted)
-- Text object -- Text object
map({'o', 'x'}, 'ih', ':<C-U>Gitsigns select_hunk<CR>') map({ "o", "x" }, "ih", ":<C-U>Gitsigns select_hunk<CR>")
end end,
} })

View File

@ -2,4 +2,6 @@
-- - Local vimrc commands - -- - Local vimrc commands -
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("EditLocalVimrc", function(_) require"direnv_vimrc_local".open_local_vimrc() end, { nargs = 0 }) vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("EditLocalVimrc", function(_)
end, { nargs = 0 })

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ local vim_readme_template = {
"", "",
"## License", "## License",
"", "",
} }
local vim_doc_template = { local vim_doc_template = {
@ -97,16 +97,16 @@ local vim_doc_template = {
"", "",
"LICENSE *{}-license*", "LICENSE *{}-license*",
"", "",
"vim:tw=78:ts=2:ft=help:norl:" "vim:tw=78:ts=2:ft=help:norl:",
} }
local flutter_config = { local flutter_config = {
["*"] = { ["*"] = {
start = "flutter run" start = "flutter run",
}, },
["lib/*.dart"] = { ["lib/*.dart"] = {
alternate = "test/{}_test.dart", alternate = "test/{}_test.dart",
type = "source" type = "source",
}, },
["test/*_test.dart"] = { ["test/*_test.dart"] = {
alternate = "lib/{}.dart", alternate = "lib/{}.dart",
@ -119,15 +119,15 @@ local flutter_config = {
"void main() {", "void main() {",
" testWidgets('', (WidgetTester tester) async {", " testWidgets('', (WidgetTester tester) async {",
" });", " });",
"}" "}",
} },
} },
} }
local python_config = { local python_config = {
["*.py"] = { ["*.py"] = {
alternate = "tests/{dirname}/test_{basename}.py", alternate = "tests/{dirname}/test_{basename}.py",
type = "source" type = "source",
}, },
["tests/**/test_*.py"] = { ["tests/**/test_*.py"] = {
alternate = "{dirname}/{basename}.py", alternate = "{dirname}/{basename}.py",
@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ local python_config = {
"", "",
"", "",
'if __name__ == "__main__":', 'if __name__ == "__main__":',
" unittest.main()" " unittest.main()",
} },
} },
} }
local dotnet_solution_config = { local dotnet_solution_config = {
@ -151,30 +151,30 @@ local dotnet_solution_config = {
type = "controller", type = "controller",
alternate = { alternate = {
"tests/{dirname}.Tests/Controllers/{basename}Tests.cs", "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Controllers/{basename}Tests.cs",
"tests/{dirname}.IntegrationTests/Controllers/{basename}Tests.cs" "tests/{dirname}.IntegrationTests/Controllers/{basename}Tests.cs",
} },
}, },
["src/**/Models/*.cs"] = { ["src/**/Models/*.cs"] = {
type = "model", type = "model",
alternate = "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Models/{basename}Tests.cs" alternate = "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Models/{basename}Tests.cs",
}, },
["src/**/Views/*.cshtml"] = { ["src/**/Views/*.cshtml"] = {
type = "view", type = "view",
alternate = "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Views/{basename}Tests.cs" alternate = "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Views/{basename}Tests.cs",
}, },
["src/**/Services/*.cs"] = { ["src/**/Services/*.cs"] = {
type = "service", type = "service",
alternate = "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Services/{basename}Tests.cs" alternate = "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Services/{basename}Tests.cs",
}, },
["src/**/Extensions/*.cs"] = { ["src/**/Extensions/*.cs"] = {
type = "extension", type = "extension",
alternate = "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Extensions/{basename}Tests.cs" alternate = "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Extensions/{basename}Tests.cs",
}, },
["*.csproj"] = { ["*.csproj"] = {
type = "project" type = "project",
}, },
["src/**/appsettings*json"] = { ["src/**/appsettings*json"] = {
type = "appsettings" type = "appsettings",
}, },
["src/*.cs"] = { ["src/*.cs"] = {
type = "source", type = "source",
@ -187,32 +187,32 @@ local dotnet_solution_config = {
" public class {basename}", " public class {basename}",
" {", " {",
" }", " }",
"}" "}",
} },
}, },
["tests/**.IntegrationTests/Controllers/*Tests.cs"] = { ["tests/**.IntegrationTests/Controllers/*Tests.cs"] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
alternate = "src/{dirname}/Controllers/{basename}.cs" alternate = "src/{dirname}/Controllers/{basename}.cs",
}, },
["tests/**.Tests/Controllers/*Tests.cs"] = { ["tests/**.Tests/Controllers/*Tests.cs"] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
alternate = "src/{dirname}/Controllers/{basename}.cs" alternate = "src/{dirname}/Controllers/{basename}.cs",
}, },
["tests/**.Tests/Views/*Tests.cs"] = { ["tests/**.Tests/Views/*Tests.cs"] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
alternate = "src/{dirname}/Views/{basename}.cs" alternate = "src/{dirname}/Views/{basename}.cs",
}, },
["tests/**.Tests/Models/*Tests.cs"] = { ["tests/**.Tests/Models/*Tests.cs"] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
alternate = "src/{dirname}/Models/{basename}.cs" alternate = "src/{dirname}/Models/{basename}.cs",
}, },
["tests/**.Tests/Services/*Tests.cs"] = { ["tests/**.Tests/Services/*Tests.cs"] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
alternate = "src/{dirname}/Services/{basename}.cs" alternate = "src/{dirname}/Services/{basename}.cs",
}, },
["tests/**.Tests/Extensions/*Tests.cs"] = { ["tests/**.Tests/Extensions/*Tests.cs"] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
alternate = "src/{dirname}/Extensions/{basename}.cs" alternate = "src/{dirname}/Extensions/{basename}.cs",
}, },
["tests/*Tests.cs"] = { ["tests/*Tests.cs"] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
@ -225,68 +225,68 @@ local dotnet_solution_config = {
" public class {basename}Tests", " public class {basename}Tests",
" {", " {",
" }", " }",
"}" "}",
} },
} },
} }
local vim_plugin_config = { local vim_plugin_config = {
["doc/*.txt"] = { ["doc/*.txt"] = {
type = "help", type = "help",
template = vim_doc_template template = vim_doc_template,
}, },
["autoload/*.vim"] = { ["autoload/*.vim"] = {
type = "autoload", type = "autoload",
alternate = "test/{}.vader" alternate = "test/{}.vader",
}, },
["test/*.vader"] = { ["test/*.vader"] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
altername = "autoload/{}.vim" altername = "autoload/{}.vim",
}, },
["plugin/*.vim"] = { ["plugin/*.vim"] = {
type = "plugin", type = "plugin",
template = { template = {
'if exists("g:loaded_{}") || &cp | finish | endif', 'if exists("g:loaded_{}") || &cp | finish | endif',
"", "",
"let g:loaded_{} = 1" "let g:loaded_{} = 1",
} },
}, },
[""] = { [""] = {
template = vim_readme_template template = vim_readme_template,
} },
} }
local lua_vim_plugin_config = { local lua_vim_plugin_config = {
["doc/*.txt"] = { ["doc/*.txt"] = {
type = "help", type = "help",
template = vim_doc_template template = vim_doc_template,
}, },
["plugin/*.vim"] = { ["plugin/*.vim"] = {
type = "plugin", type = "plugin",
template = { template = {
'if exists("g:loaded_{}") || &cp | finish | endif', 'if exists("g:loaded_{}") || &cp | finish | endif',
"", "",
"let g:loaded_{} = 1" "let g:loaded_{} = 1",
} },
}, },
["lua/*.lua"] = { ["lua/*.lua"] = {
type = "source", type = "source",
alternate = "test/{}.lua" alternate = "test/{}.lua",
}, },
["test/*.lua"] = { ["test/*.lua"] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
alternate = "lua/{}.lua" alternate = "lua/{}.lua",
}, },
[""] = { [""] = {
template = vim_readme_template template = vim_readme_template,
} },
} }
local csharp_project_config = { local csharp_project_config = {
["*"] = { ["*"] = {
start = "dotnet run", start = "dotnet run",
console = "dotnet fsi" console = "dotnet fsi",
} },
} }
local java_project_config = { local java_project_config = {
@ -296,9 +296,9 @@ local java_project_config = {
"package {dirname|dot};", "package {dirname|dot};",
"", "",
"public class {basename} {open}", "public class {basename} {open}",
"{close}" "{close}",
}, },
alternate = "src/test/java/{}" alternate = "src/test/java/{}",
}, },
["src/test/java/*"] = { ["src/test/java/*"] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
@ -306,22 +306,22 @@ local java_project_config = {
"package {dirname|dot};", "package {dirname|dot};",
"", "",
"public class {basename}Test {open}", "public class {basename}Test {open}",
"{close}" "{close}",
}, },
alternate = "src/main/java/{}.java" alternate = "src/main/java/{}.java",
}, },
["src/main/java/"] = { ["src/main/java/"] = {
type = "moduleinfo" type = "moduleinfo",
}, },
["src/main/java/**/"] = { ["src/main/java/**/"] = {
type = "packageinfo" type = "packageinfo",
}, },
["src/main/resources/*"] = { ["src/main/resources/*"] = {
type = "resource" type = "resource",
}, },
["src/test/resources/*"] = { ["src/test/resources/*"] = {
type = "testresource" type = "testresource",
} },
} }
local kotlin_project_config = { local kotlin_project_config = {
@ -331,9 +331,9 @@ local kotlin_project_config = {
"package {dirname|dot}", "package {dirname|dot}",
"", "",
"class {basename} {open}", "class {basename} {open}",
"{close}" "{close}",
}, },
alternate = "src/test/kotlin/{}Test.kt" alternate = "src/test/kotlin/{}Test.kt",
}, },
["src/main/java/*.kt"] = { ["src/main/java/*.kt"] = {
type = "source", type = "source",
@ -341,9 +341,9 @@ local kotlin_project_config = {
"package {dirname|dot}", "package {dirname|dot}",
"", "",
"class {basename} {open}", "class {basename} {open}",
"{close}" "{close}",
}, },
alternate = "src/test/java/{}Test.kt" alternate = "src/test/java/{}Test.kt",
}, },
["src/test/kotlin/*Test.kt"] = { ["src/test/kotlin/*Test.kt"] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
@ -351,9 +351,9 @@ local kotlin_project_config = {
"package {dirname|dot}", "package {dirname|dot}",
"", "",
"class {basename}Test {open}", "class {basename}Test {open}",
"{close}" "{close}",
}, },
alternate = "src/main/kotlin/{}.kt" alternate = "src/main/kotlin/{}.kt",
}, },
["src/test/java/*Test.kt"] = { ["src/test/java/*Test.kt"] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
@ -361,21 +361,21 @@ local kotlin_project_config = {
"package {dirname|dot}", "package {dirname|dot}",
"", "",
"class {basename}Test {open}", "class {basename}Test {open}",
"{close}" "{close}",
}, },
alternate = "src/main/java/{}.kt" alternate = "src/main/java/{}.kt",
}, },
["src/main/resources/*"] = { ["src/main/resources/*"] = {
type = "resource" type = "resource",
}, },
["src/test/resources/*"] = { ["src/test/resources/*"] = {
type = "testresource" type = "testresource",
} },
} }
local mint_config = { local mint_config = {
["*"] = { ["*"] = {
start = "mint start" start = "mint start",
}, },
["source/*.mint"] = { ["source/*.mint"] = {
type = "source", type = "source",
@ -386,9 +386,9 @@ local mint_config = {
"", "",
" fun render : Html {open}", " fun render : Html {open}",
" {close}", " {close}",
"{close}" "{close}",
}, },
alternate = "tests/{}.mint" alternate = "tests/{}.mint",
}, },
["tests/*.mint"] = { ["tests/*.mint"] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
@ -398,23 +398,23 @@ local mint_config = {
" with Test.Html {open}", " with Test.Html {open}",
" {close}", " {close}",
" {close}", " {close}",
"{close}" "{close}",
alternate = "source/{}.mint",
}, },
alternate = "source/{}.mint"
} }
local crystal_config = { local crystal_config = {
["*"] = { ["*"] = {
start = "crystal run" start = "crystal run",
}, },
["src/*.cr"] = { ["src/*.cr"] = {
type = "source", type = "source",
template = { template = {
"module {capitalize|colons}", "module {capitalize|colons}",
"end" "end",
}, },
alternate = "spec/{}" alternate = "spec/{}",
}, },
["spec/*"] = { ["spec/*"] = {
type = "spec", type = "spec",
@ -425,43 +425,43 @@ local crystal_config = {
' it "works" do', ' it "works" do',
" false.should eq(true)", " false.should eq(true)",
" end", " end",
"end" "end",
alternate = "src/{}.cr",
}, },
alternate = "src/{}.cr"
} }
local function c_project_config(source_extension, header_extension) local function c_project_config(source_extension, header_extension)
return { return {
["*"] = { ["*"] = {
start = "make run" start = "make run",
}, },
["src/*." .. source_extension] = { ["src/*." .. source_extension] = {
type = "source", type = "source",
alternate = { alternate = {
"src/{}." .. header_extension, "src/{}." .. header_extension,
"test/{}." .. source_extension, "test/{}." .. source_extension,
"include/{project|basename}/{}." .. header_extension "include/{project|basename}/{}." .. header_extension,
} },
}, },
["test/*." .. source_extension] = { ["test/*." .. source_extension] = {
type = "test", type = "test",
alternate = { alternate = {
"src/{}." .. header_extension "src/{}." .. header_extension,
} },
}, },
["src/*." .. header_extension] = { ["src/*." .. header_extension] = {
type = "header", type = "header",
alternate = { alternate = {
"src/{}." .. source_extension "src/{}." .. source_extension,
} },
}, },
["include/{project|basename}/*." .. header_extension] = { ["include/{project|basename}/*." .. header_extension] = {
type = "header", type = "header",
alternate = { alternate = {
"src/{}." .. header_extension "src/{}." .. header_extension,
} },
} },
} }
end end
@ -477,5 +477,5 @@ vim.g.projectionist_heuristics = {
["build.gradle|pom.xml"] = java_project_config, ["build.gradle|pom.xml"] = java_project_config,
["build.gradle|build.gradle.kts"] = kotlin_project_config, ["build.gradle|build.gradle.kts"] = kotlin_project_config,
["mint.json"] = mint_config, ["mint.json"] = mint_config,
["shard.yml"] = crystal_config ["shard.yml"] = crystal_config,
} }

View File

@ -2,7 +2,15 @@
-- - Vim REST Console setup and extra commands - -- - Vim REST Console setup and extra commands -
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=0 ScratchRestConsole :lua require('vim_rest_console_extensions').open_scratch_rest_console()]] vim.cmd(
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=? RestConsole :lua require('vim_rest_console_extensions').open_cached_rest_console(<f-args>)]] [[command! -nargs=0 ScratchRestConsole :lua require('vim_rest_console_extensions').open_scratch_rest_console()]]
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=? RestConsoleLocal :lua require('vim_rest_console_extensions').open_local_rest_console(<f-args>)]] )
vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=1 RestConsoleCached :lua require('vim_rest_console_extensions').open_named_cached_rest_console(<f-args>)]] vim.cmd(
[[command! -nargs=? RestConsole :lua require('vim_rest_console_extensions').open_cached_rest_console(<f-args>)]]
[[command! -nargs=? RestConsoleLocal :lua require('vim_rest_console_extensions').open_local_rest_console(<f-args>)]]
[[command! -nargs=1 RestConsoleCached :lua require('vim_rest_console_extensions').open_named_cached_rest_console(<f-args>)]]

View File

@ -3,9 +3,15 @@ local s = luasnip.snippet
local f = luasnip.function_node local f = luasnip.function_node
luasnip.add_snippets("all", { luasnip.add_snippets("all", {
s("date", {f(function(_, _) return"%Y-%m-%d") end)}), s("date", { f(function(_, _)
s("datetime", {f(function(_, _) return"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") end)}), return"%Y-%m-%d")
s("diso", {f(function(_, _) return"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") end)}) end) }),
s("datetime", { f(function(_, _)
return"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
end) }),
s("diso", { f(function(_, _)
end) }),
}) })
require("luasnip.loaders.from_vscode").lazy_load() require("luasnip.loaders.from_vscode").lazy_load()

View File

@ -3,36 +3,28 @@
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local actions = require("telescope.actions") local actions = require("telescope.actions")
require("telescope").setup { require("telescope").setup({
defaults = { defaults = {
mappings = { mappings = {
i = { i = {
-- Switch out M-q and C-q since C-q will be used more often -- Switch out M-q and C-q since C-q will be used more often
["<M-q>"] = actions.send_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist, ["<M-q>"] = actions.send_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
["<C-q>"] = actions.send_selected_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist ["<C-q>"] = actions.send_selected_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
}, },
n = { n = {
-- Switch out M-q and C-q since C-q will be used more often -- Switch out M-q and C-q since C-q will be used more often
["<M-q>"] = actions.send_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist, ["<M-q>"] = actions.send_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
["<C-q>"] = actions.send_selected_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist ["<C-q>"] = actions.send_selected_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
} },
} },
} },
} })
require("telescope").load_extension("dap") require("telescope").load_extension("dap")
vim.keymap.set( vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-P>", function()
require("telescope.builtin").find_files() require("telescope.builtin").find_files()
end end)
) vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-M-F>", function()
require("telescope.builtin").live_grep() require("telescope.builtin").live_grep()
end end)

View File

@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
require "nvim-treesitter.configs".setup { require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup({
ensure_installed = "all", -- "all" or a list of languages ensure_installed = "all", -- "all" or a list of languages
highlight = { highlight = {
enable = true -- false will disable the whole extension enable = true, -- false will disable the whole extension
indent = {
enable = true
}, },
playground = { playground = {
enable = true, enable = true,
disable = {}, disable = {},
updatetime = 25, -- Debounced time for highlighting nodes in the playground from source code updatetime = 25, -- Debounced time for highlighting nodes in the playground from source code
persist_queries = false -- Whether the query persists across vim sessions persist_queries = false, -- Whether the query persists across vim sessions
}, },
textobjects = { textobjects = {
select = { select = {
@ -18,31 +15,31 @@ require "nvim-treesitter.configs".setup {
lookahead = true, -- Automatically jump forward to textobj, similar to targets.vim lookahead = true, -- Automatically jump forward to textobj, similar to targets.vim
keymaps = { keymaps = {
-- You can use the capture groups defined in textobjects.scm -- You can use the capture groups defined in textobjects.scm
['af'] = '@function.outer', ["af"] = "@function.outer",
['if'] = '@function.inner', ["if"] = "@function.inner",
['ac'] = '@class.outer', ["ac"] = "@class.outer",
['ic'] = '@class.inner', ["ic"] = "@class.inner",
}, },
}, },
move = { move = {
enable = true, enable = true,
set_jumps = true, -- whether to set jumps in the jumplist set_jumps = true, -- whether to set jumps in the jumplist
goto_next_start = { goto_next_start = {
[']m'] = '@function.outer', ["]m"] = "@function.outer",
[']]'] = '@class.outer', ["]]"] = "@class.outer",
}, },
goto_next_end = { goto_next_end = {
[']M'] = '@function.outer', ["]M"] = "@function.outer",
[']['] = '@class.outer', ["]["] = "@class.outer",
}, },
goto_previous_start = { goto_previous_start = {
['[m'] = '@function.outer', ["[m"] = "@function.outer",
['[['] = '@class.outer', ["[["] = "@class.outer",
}, },
goto_previous_end = { goto_previous_end = {
['[M'] = '@function.outer', ["[M"] = "@function.outer",
['[]'] = '@class.outer', ["[]"] = "@class.outer",
}, },
}, },
}, },
} })