local luasnip = require("luasnip") local types = require("luasnip.util.types") local s = luasnip.snippet local sn = luasnip.snippet_node local f = luasnip.function_node local t = luasnip.text_node local i = luasnip.insert_node local c = luasnip.choice_node local d = luasnip.dynamic_node luasnip.config.setup({ ext_opts = { [types.choiceNode] = { active = { virt_text = { { "●", "GruvboxOrange" } }, }, }, [types.insertNode] = { active = { virt_text = { { "●", "GruvboxBlue" } }, }, }, }, }) luasnip.add_snippets("all", { s("date", { f(function(_, _) return os.date("%Y-%m-%d") end) }), s("datetime", { f(function(_, _) return os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") end) }), s("diso", { f(function(_, _) return os.date("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") end) }), s("disoutc", { f(function(_, _) return os.date("!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") end) }), }) -- Java snippets local function jdocsnip(args, _, old_state) -- !!! old_state is used to preserve user-input here. DON'T DO IT THAT WAY! -- Using a restoreNode instead is much easier. -- View this only as an example on how old_state functions. local nodes = { t({ "/**", " * " }), i(1, "A short Description"), t({ "", "" }), } -- These will be merged with the snippet; that way, should the snippet be updated, -- some user input eg. text can be referred to in the new snippet. local param_nodes = {} if old_state then nodes[2] = i(1, old_state.descr:get_text()) end param_nodes.descr = nodes[2] -- At least one param. if string.find(args[2][1], ", ") then vim.list_extend(nodes, { t({ " * ", "" }) }) end local insert = 2 for _, arg in ipairs(vim.split(args[2][1], ", ", true)) do -- Get actual name parameter. arg = vim.split(arg, " ", true)[2] if arg then local inode -- if there was some text in this parameter, use it as static_text for this new snippet. if old_state and old_state[arg] then inode = i(insert, old_state["arg" .. arg]:get_text()) else inode = i(insert) end vim.list_extend(nodes, { t({ " * @param " .. arg .. " " }), inode, t({ "", "" }) }) param_nodes["arg" .. arg] = inode insert = insert + 1 end end if args[1][1] ~= "void" then local inode if old_state and old_state.ret then inode = i(insert, old_state.ret:get_text()) else inode = i(insert) end vim.list_extend(nodes, { t({ " * ", " * @return " }), inode, t({ "", "" }) }) param_nodes.ret = inode insert = insert + 1 end if vim.tbl_count(args[3]) ~= 1 then local exc = string.gsub(args[3][2], " throws ", "") local ins if old_state and old_state.ex then ins = i(insert, old_state.ex:get_text()) else ins = i(insert) end vim.list_extend(nodes, { t({ " * ", " * @throws " .. exc .. " " }), ins, t({ "", "" }) }) param_nodes.ex = ins -- insert = insert + 1 end vim.list_extend(nodes, { t({ " */" }) }) local snip = sn(nil, nodes) -- Error on attempting overwrite. snip.old_state = param_nodes return snip end luasnip.add_snippets("java", { -- Very long example for a java class. s("fn", { d(6, jdocsnip, { 2, 4, 5 }), t({ "", "" }), c(1, { t("public "), t("private "), }), c(2, { t("void"), t("String"), t("char"), t("int"), t("double"), t("boolean"), i(nil, ""), }), t(" "), i(3, "myFunc"), t("("), i(4), t(")"), c(5, { t(""), sn(nil, { t({ "", " throws " }), i(1), }), }), t({ " {", "\t" }), i(0), t({ "", "}" }), }), }, { key = "java", }) require("luasnip.loaders.from_vscode").lazy_load() require("luasnip").filetype_extend("java", { "javadoc", "java-tests" }) luasnip.add_snippets("rust", { s("tests", { t({ "#[cfg(test)]", "mod tests {", " use super::*;", " " }), i(0), t({ "", "}" }), }), })