------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - Fugitive.vim extensions library - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Shorcut to push directly to current branch on origin -- Similar to `ggpush` in fish config local function push_origin() vim.cmd('Git push origin ' .. vim.fn.FugitiveHead()) end -- Shorcut to pull directly from current branch on origin -- Similar to `ggpull` in fish config local function pull_origin() vim.cmd('Git pull origin ' .. vim.fn.FugitiveHead()) end -- Generates url for creating PR for current branch -- Tested only with github.com -- Works regardless of ssh or https for origin config -- Hardcoded to use 'origin' remote local function get_pr_url(...) local origin_url = vim.fn['fugitive#RemoteUrl']('origin') origin_url = string.gsub(origin_url, '.git$', '') origin_url = string.gsub(origin_url, ':', '/') origin_url = string.gsub(origin_url, 'git@', 'https://') -- Remove prefix if it is available, for some of common git services local common_services = {'github.com', 'bitbucket.org', 'gitlab.com'} for k,service in pairs(common_services) do if (string.find(origin_url, service, 1, true)) then -- Common mechanism for managing multiple SSH keys origin_url = string.gsub(origin_url, '://.*' .. service, '://' .. service) end end -- This part probably only works on github local pr_url if (select('#', ...) == 0) then pr_url = origin_url .. '/compare/' .. vim.fn.FugitiveHead() .. '?expand=1' else pr_url = origin_url .. '/compare/' .. select(1, ...) .. '...' .. vim.fn.FugitiveHead() .. '?expand=1' end return pr_url end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - Public API - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local M = {} -- Prints current branches PR url (not saved to :messages) -- Makes it easy to use terminal for opening url on click M.print_pr_url = function(...) vim.cmd('echo "' .. get_pr_url(...) .. '"') end -- Copies current branches PR url to system clipboard M.copy_pr_url = function(...) vim.cmd('let @+ = "' .. get_pr_url(...) .. '"') end -- Opens current banches PR url in default browser -- Utilizes netrw browse, meaning it should behave same as netrw M.open_new_pr = function(...) vim.fn['netrw#BrowseX'](get_pr_url(...), 0) end -- Creates new branch and checks out to it -- Similar to `gcb` in fish config M.create_branch = function(branch) vim.cmd('Git checkout -b ' .. branch) end -- Switches to branch M.checkout_branch = function(branch) vim.cmd('Git checkout ' .. branch) end return M