local vim_readme_template = { "# Name", "", "## Requirements", "", "## Installation", "", "## Usage", "", "### Commands", "", "### Keymaps", "", "## License", "", "[LICENSE NAME](LICENSE)" } local vim_doc_template = { "*{}.txt* Description", "", "INTRODUCTION *{}*", "", "Description", "", "CONTENTS *{}-contents*", "", " 1. Overview |{}-overview|", " 2. Requirements |{}-requirements|", " 3. Installation |{}-installation|", " 4. Usage |{}-usage|", " 5. Commands |{}-commands|", " 6. Functions |{}-functions|", " 7. Mappings |{}-mappings|", " 8. Plugs |{}-plugs|", " 9. Options |{}-options|", " 10. Issues |{}-issues|", " 11. Contributing |{}-contributing|", " 12. Version |{}-version|", " 13. License |{}-license|", "", "OVERVIEW *{}-overview*", "", "REQUIREMENTS *{}-requirements*", "", "INSTALLATION *{}-installation*", "", " 1. Plug ", "", " Add the following to your vimrc, or something sourced therein: >", "", " Plug 'esensar/{}'", "<", " Then install via `:PlugInstall`", "", " 2. Pathogen >", "", " cd ~/.vim/bundle", " git clone https://github.com/esensar/{}.git", "<", " Then run `:Helptags`", "", " 3. Manual", "", " Clone this repository and copy the files in plugin/, autoload/, and doc/", " to their respective directories in your vimfiles, or copy the text from", " the github repository into new files in those directories. Make sure to", " run `:helptags`.", "", "USAGE *{}-usage*", "", "COMMANDS *{}-commands*", "", "FUNCTIONS *{}-functions*", "", "MAPPINGS *{}-mappings*", "", "PLUGS *{}-plugs*", "", "OPTIONS *{}-options*", "", "ISSUES *{}-issues*", "", "If you experience issues using {}, please report them at", ".", "", "CONTRIBUTING *{}-contributing*", "", "Feel free to look at already reported issues at ", ".", "If available, check out CONTRIBUTING.md in the repository.", "Otherwise, feel free to create a new issue or pull request.", "", "VERSION *{}-version*", "", "Version 1.0.0", "", "LICENSE *{}-license*", "", "vim:tw=78:ts=2:ft=help:norl:" } local flutter_config = { ["*"] = { start = "flutter run" }, ["lib/*.dart"] = { alternate = "test/{}_test.dart", type = "source" }, ["test/*_test.dart"] = { alternate = "lib/{}.dart", type = "test", template = { "import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';", "", "import 'package:flutter_template/{}.dart';", "", "void main() {", " testWidgets('', (WidgetTester tester) async {", " });", "}" } } } local python_config = { ["*.py"] = { alternate = "tests/{dirname}/test_{basename}.py", type = "source" }, ["tests/**/test_*.py"] = { alternate = "{dirname}/{basename}.py", type = "test", template = { "import unittest", "from unittest import mock", "", "class {dirname|underscore|camelcase|capitalize}{basename|camelcase|capitalize}Test(unittest.TestCase):", " pass", "", "", "if __name__ == \"__main__\":", " unittest.main()" } } } local dotnet_solution_config = { ["src/**/Controllers/*.cs"] = { type = "controller", alternate = { "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Controllers/{basename}Tests.cs", "tests/{dirname}.IntegrationTests/Controllers/{basename}Tests.cs" } }, ["src/**/Models/*.cs"] = { type = "model", alternate = "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Models/{basename}Tests.cs" }, ["src/**/Views/*.cshtml"] = { type = "view", alternate = "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Views/{basename}Tests.cs" }, ["src/**/Services/*.cs"] = { type = "service", alternate = "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Services/{basename}Tests.cs" }, ["src/**/Extensions/*.cs"] = { type = "extension", alternate = "tests/{dirname}.Tests/Extensions/{basename}Tests.cs" }, ["*.csproj"] = { type = "project" }, ["src/**/appsettings*json"] = { type = "appsettings" }, ["src/*.cs"] = { type = "source", alternate = "tests/{dirname}.Tests/{basename}Tests.cs", template = { "using System;", "", "namespace {dirname|dot}", "{", " public class {basename}", " {", " }", "}" } }, ["tests/**.IntegrationTests/Controllers/*Tests.cs"] = { type = "test", alternate = "src/{dirname}/Controllers/{basename}.cs" }, ["tests/**.Tests/Controllers/*Tests.cs"] = { type = "test", alternate = "src/{dirname}/Controllers/{basename}.cs" }, ["tests/**.Tests/Views/*Tests.cs"] = { type = "test", alternate = "src/{dirname}/Views/{basename}.cs" }, ["tests/**.Tests/Models/*Tests.cs"] = { type = "test", alternate = "src/{dirname}/Models/{basename}.cs" }, ["tests/**.Tests/Services/*Tests.cs"] = { type = "test", alternate = "src/{dirname}/Services/{basename}.cs" }, ["tests/**.Tests/Extensions/*Tests.cs"] = { type = "test", alternate = "src/{dirname}/Extensions/{basename}.cs" }, ["tests/*Tests.cs"] = { type = "test", alternate = "src/{dirname}/{basename}.cs", template = { "using System;", "", "namespace {dirname|dot}", "{", " public class {basename}Tests", " {", " }", "}" } } } local vim_plugin_config = { ["doc/*.txt"] = { type = "help", template = vim_doc_template }, ["autoload/*.vim"] = { type = "autoload", alternate = "test/{}.vader" }, ["test/*.vader"] = { type = "test", altername = "autoload/{}.vim" }, ["plugin/*.vim"] = { type = "plugin", template = { "if exists(\"g:loaded_{}\") || &cp | finish | endif", "", "let g:loaded_{} = 1" } }, ["README.md"] = { template = vim_readme_template } } local lua_vim_plugin_config = { ["doc/*.txt"] = { type = "help", template = vim_doc_template }, ["plugin/*.vim"] = { type = "plugin", template = { "if exists(\"g:loaded_{}\") || &cp | finish | endif", "", "let g:loaded_{} = 1" } }, ["lua/*.lua"] = { type = "source", alternate = "test/{}.lua" }, ["test/*.lua"] = { type = "test", alternate = "lua/{}.lua" }, ["README.md"] = { template = vim_readme_template } } local csharp_project_config = { ["*"] = { start = "dotnet run", console = "dotnet fsi" } } vim.g.projectionist_heuristics = { ["pubspec.yaml"] = flutter_config, ["requirements.txt|pyproject.toml"] = python_config, ["*.sln"] = dotnet_solution_config, ["*.csproj"] = csharp_project_config, ["plugin/|autoload/"] = vim_plugin_config, ["lua/"] = lua_vim_plugin_config }