#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e . ~/.local/opt/script_utils/echo.sh usage () { case $1 in in) usage_in; exit 0 ;; out) usage_out; exit 0 ;; bal) usage_bal; exit 0 ;; esac if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then echo -e "Unknown command: $1 \n" fi echo "Basic time tracker." echo "Generates input for ledger-cli time tracking" echo -e "\nUsage: time COMMAND [options] [arguments] \n" echo "Commands:" echo " in - starts a new time entry" echo " out - completes an old time entry" echo " toggle - toggle current timer" echo " bal - outputs current timesheet" echo " invoice - generate an invoice from account balance" echo " clear - clear time for account and comment" echo " invoice_list - generate data for an invoice from account balance" echo " waybar - generate output for waybar module" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -h --help - prints this help message (if one of commands is passed, prints help message for that command)" echo " -v --verbose - enables verbose logging" if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then exit 1 fi } usage_in () { echo "Time In" echo "Starts a new time entry - requires a project" echo -e "\nUsage: time in [options] [] \n" echo "Arguments:" echo " project - name of project tracking time to" echo " comment - additional information - optional" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -h --help - prints this help message" echo " -v --verbose - enables verbose logging" echov "Examples:" echov " > t in project:test" echov "" echov " > t in project:test parsing" } usage_out () { echo "Time Out" echo "Stops an existing time entry - requires a project" echo -e "\nUsage: time out [options] \n" echo "Arguments:" echo " project - name of project tracking time to" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -h --help - prints this help message" echo " -v --verbose - enables verbose logging" echov "Examples:" echov " > t out project:test" } usage_bal () { echo "Time balance" echo "Prints out current timesheet - takes in a project optionally" echo -e "\nUsage: time bal [options] \n" echo "Arguments:" echo " project - name of project to get balance of" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -h --help - prints this help message" echo " -v --verbose - enables verbose logging" echov "Examples:" echov " > t bal project:test" } POSITIONAL=() HELP=0 VERBOSE=0 while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) HELP=1 shift # past argument ;; -v|--verbose) VERBOSE=1 shift # past argument ;; *) # unknown option POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later shift # past argument ;; esac done COMMAND="${POSITIONAL[0]}" echov "Detected command: $COMMAND" if [ $HELP -eq 1 ]; then usage $COMMAND exit 0 fi PROJECT="${POSITIONAL[1]}" COMMENT="${POSITIONAL[@]:2}" echov "Project: $PROJECT" echov "Comment: $COMMENT" if [ -z "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME" ]; then echo "TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME variable not defined. It must point to a directory that hosts your main.journal as well as timesheets/ directory with yearly .journal files (e.g. timesheets/2023.journal)" exit 1 fi time_in () { if echo "$PROJECT" | grep -q ".*:Client:.*:"; then echo "WARNING: Using sub-projects per client is deprecated. Consider using just Client instead of sub-projects for easier management" fi LAST_ENTRY=$(grep "$PROJECT" "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/timesheets/$(date +%Y).journal" | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d ' ') if [ "$LAST_ENTRY" = "i" ]; then echo "Timer for project $PROJECT was already started. Aborting..." exit 1 fi echo "i $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') $PROJECT $COMMENT" >> "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/timesheets/$(date +%Y).journal" } time_out () { LAST_ENTRY=$(grep "$PROJECT" "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/timesheets/$(date +%Y).journal" | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d ' ') if [ -z "$LAST_ENTRY" ]; then echo "Timer for project $PROJECT is not started. Aborting..." exit 1 fi if [ "$LAST_ENTRY" = "O" ]; then echo "Timer for project $PROJECT was already stopped. Aborting..." exit 1 fi echo "O $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') $PROJECT" >> "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/timesheets/$(date +%Y).journal" } time_bal () { ledger -f "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/main.journal" bal $PROJECT $COMMENT } time_bal () { ledger -f "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/main.journal" bal $PROJECT $COMMENT } time_invoice () { tail -n 1 $TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/timesheets/$(date +%Y).journal | grep -Eq "^i.*\$" && echo "Please stop current timer before generating an invoice!" && exit 1 if [ -z "$INVOICE_GENERATOR_HOME" ]; then echo "INVOICE_GENERATOR_HOME variable not defined. It must point to a directory that hosts your invoice templates and stores invoices." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$PROJECT" ]; then echo "Project is required!" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$COMMENT" ]; then echo "Task is required!" exit 1 fi echo "Please generate an invoice manually! This is the total" t invoice_list "$PROJECT" "$COMMENT" CLIENT=$(echo "$PROJECT" | cut -f3 -d ":") CLIENT_CONFIG=$(grep "$CLIENT" "$MY_CONFIG_CACHE_DIR/invoice_client_config" || echo "") if [ -z "$CLIENT_CONFIG" ]; then echo "====" echo "Missing configuration for client $CLIENT" unset HOURLY_RATE until [[ $HOURLY_RATE == +([0-9]) ]] ; do read -r -p "Please input hourly rate: " HOURLY_RATE done unset CURRENCY_SYMBOL read -r -p "Please input currency symbol used: " CURRENCY_SYMBOL printf "%s\t%s\t%s\n" "$CLIENT" "$HOURLY_RATE" "$CURRENCY_SYMBOL" >> "$MY_CONFIG_CACHE_DIR/invoice_client_config" echo "====" else HOURLY_RATE=$(echo "$CLIENT_CONFIG" | cut -f2 -d ' ') CURRENCY_SYMBOL=$(echo "$CLIENT_CONFIG" | cut -f3 -d ' ') fi echo "====" echo "Please input amount to invoice" read -r -p "Amount in used currency ($CURRENCY_SYMBOL): " AMOUNT echo "Please input a directory name for this invoice" read -r -p "Directory name: " DIRECTORY_NAME echo "Please input a title for this invoice" read -r -p "Title: " INVOICE_TITLE INVOICE_DIR="$INVOICE_GENERATOR_HOME/invoices/$CLIENT/$DIRECTORY_NAME" INVOICE_FILE="$INVOICE_DIR/invoice.tex" mkdir "$INVOICE_DIR" cp "$INVOICE_GENERATOR_HOME/invoices/$CLIENT/template.tex" "$INVOICE_DIR/invoice.tex" sed -i "s/===INVOICETITLE===/$INVOICE_TITLE/" "$INVOICE_FILE" INVOICE_ITEMS="" read -r -p "Would you like to customize entries? [Y/n]" CUSTOMIZE if [ "Y" == "$CUSTOMIZE" ]; then while read -r -p "Enter name for invoice entry. Empty name ends input: " ENTRY_NAME; do if [ -z "$ENTRY_NAME" ]; then echo "Done with reading entries." break fi unset HOURS until [[ $HOURS == +([0-9]) ]] ; do read -r -p "Enter number of hours for this entry ($ENTRY_NAME): " HOURS done INVOICE_ITEMS="$INVOICE_ITEMS \\\\invoiceitem{$ENTRY_NAME}{$HOURS}{$HOURLY_RATE}{}\n" done else unset HOURS until [[ $HOURS == +([0-9]) ]] ; do read -r -p "Enter number of hours for this invoice: " HOURS done INVOICE_ITEMS="$INVOICE_ITEMS \\\\invoiceitem{Development work (hourly)}{$HOURS}{$HOURLY_RATE}{}\n" fi sed -i "s/===INVOICETABLE===/$INVOICE_ITEMS/" "$INVOICE_FILE" if [ "$COMMENT" == ".*" ]; then LEDGER_INVOICE_TITLE="$INVOICE_TITLE invoice" else LEDGER_INVOICE_TITLE="$COMMENT" fi echo "" >> "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/invoices/$(date +%Y).journal" echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') ! $LEDGER_INVOICE_TITLE" >> "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/invoices/$(date +%Y).journal" if [ "$COMMENT" != ".*" ]; then echo " ($PROJECT) -$(ledger -f "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/main.journal" bal $PROJECT and @"$COMMENT" --format "%(total)")" >> "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/invoices/$(date +%Y).journal" fi echo " Invoiced:$(echo $PROJECT | sed "s/Project://") $AMOUNT$CURRENCY_SYMBOL" >> "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/invoices/$(date +%Y).journal" echo " Magic" >> "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/invoices/$(date +%Y).journal" echo "Generated an invoice in $INVOICE_DIR/invoice.tex" echo "Please review it and use pdflatex to generate it!" } time_clear () { echo "" >> "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/invoices/$(date +%Y).journal" echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') * $COMMENT" >> "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/invoices/$(date +%Y).journal" echo " ($PROJECT) -$(ledger -f "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/main.journal" bal $PROJECT and @"$COMMENT" --format "%(total)")" >> "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/invoices/$(date +%Y).journal" } time_invoice_list () { if [ -z "$PROJECT" ]; then echo "Project is required!" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$COMMENT" ]; then ledger -f "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/main.journal" reg --by-payee "$PROJECT" else ledger -f "$TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/main.journal" reg --by-payee "$PROJECT" and @"$COMMENT" fi } time_toggle () { LAST_PROJECT=$(ledger reg -f $TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/timesheets/$(date +%Y).journal --tail 1 --format "%(account)") LAST_COMMENT=$(ledger reg -f $TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/timesheets/$(date +%Y).journal --tail 1 --format "%(payee)") tail -n 1 $TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/timesheets/$(date +%Y).journal | grep -Eq "^i.*\$" && t out "$LAST_PROJECT" "$LAST_COMMENT" || t in "$LAST_PROJECT" "$LAST_COMMENT" } time_waybar () { TOOLTIP=$(ledger reg -f $TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/main.journal --tail 1 --format "Current: %(account) -- %(payee) %(scrub(amount))") CLASS=$(tail -n 1 $TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/timesheets/$(date +%Y).journal | grep -Eq "^i.*\$" && echo "active" || echo "paused") TEXT=$(tail -n 1 $TIMESHEET_LEDGER_HOME/timesheets/$(date +%Y).journal | grep -Eq "^i.*\$" && echo "󱎫" || echo "󱎬") echo "{\"text\":\"$TEXT\", \"tooltip\":\"$TOOLTIP\", \"class\":\"$CLASS\",\"alt\":\"$CLASS\"}" } case $COMMAND in in) time_in ;; out) time_out ;; bal) time_bal ;; invoice) time_invoice ;; clear) time_clear ;; invoice_list) time_invoice_list ;; toggle) time_toggle ;; waybar) time_waybar ;; *) usage $COMMAND; exit 1 ;; esac