#!/bin/bash INSTALLATIONS_DIRECTORY=~/.dotfiles/installed_packages function get_installations() { ls -l --time-style="long-iso" $INSTALLATIONS_DIRECTORY | grep -v ${HOSTNAME} | awk 'NR>1 {print $8}' } # Get selected installation to clone if [ -z "$1" ] then if type wofi > /dev/null 2>&1 then INSTALLATION=$( (echo empty; get_installations) | wofi -dmenu -only-match -p "Select host to clone installation from:") else PS3='Please select installation to clone: ' select opt in $(get_installations) do INSTALLATION=$opt break done fi else INSTALLATION=$1 fi SELECTED_INSTALL_DIR=$INSTALLATIONS_DIRECTORY/$INSTALLATION if [ x"empty" = x"${INSTALLATION}" ] then echo "No operation." elif [ -n "${INSTALLATION}" ] then # Go with the cloning process if type alacritty > /dev/null 2>&1 then alacritty --title "download" -e "clone-installation-from-directory $SELECTED_INSTALL_DIR" else clone-installation-from-directory $SELECTED_INSTALL_DIR fi fi