// ============================================================================= // // Waybar configuration // // Configuration reference: https://github.com/Alexays/Waybar/wiki/Configuration // // This configuration is based on: https://github.com/robertjk/dotfiles/ // // ============================================================================= [ { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global configuration // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "layer": "top", "position": "top", // If height property would be not present, it'd be calculated dynamically "height": 30, "modules-left": [ "sway/workspaces", "sway/mode" ], "modules-center": [ "custom/current-task", "clock#date", "clock#time", "custom/notification" ], "modules-right": [ "network", "pulseaudio", "backlight", "disk", "memory", "cpu", "temperature", "custom/keyboard-layout", "bluetooth", "battery", "tray", "idle_inhibitor", "custom/power-menu" ], // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Modules // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "battery": { "interval": 10, "states": { "warning": 30, "critical": 15 }, // Connected to AC "format": " {icon} {capacity}%", // Icon: bolt // Not connected to AC "format-discharging": "{icon} {capacity}%", "format-icons": [ "", // Icon: battery-full "", // Icon: battery-three-quarters "", // Icon: battery-half "", // Icon: battery-quarter "" // Icon: battery-empty ], "tooltip": true }, "clock#time": { "interval": 1, "format": "{:%H:%M}", "tooltip": true }, "clock#date": { "interval": 10, "format": " {:%e %b %Y}", // Icon: calendar-alt "tooltip-format": "{:%e %B %Y}", "on-click": "gnome-calendar" }, "cpu": { "interval": 5, "format": " {usage}% ({load})", // Icon: microchip "states": { "warning": 70, "critical": 90 } }, "custom/keyboard-layout": { "exec": "swaymsg -t get_inputs | grep -m1 'xkb_active_layout_name' | cut -d '\"' -f4", // Interval set only as a fallback, as the value is updated by signal "interval": 30, "format": " {}", // Icon: keyboard // Signal sent by Sway key binding (~/.config/sway/key-bindings) "signal": 1, // SIGHUP "tooltip": false }, "disk": { "interval": 30, "format": " {percentage_used}%" }, "memory": { "interval": 5, "format": "󰍛 {}%", // Icon: memory "states": { "warning": 70, "critical": 90 } }, "network": { "interval": 5, "format-wifi": " {essid} ({signalStrength}%)", // Icon: wifi "format-ethernet": " Connected", // Icon: ethernet "format-disconnected": "⚠ Disconnected", "tooltip-format": "{ifname}: {ipaddr}" }, "sway/mode": { "format": "{}", // Icon: expand-arrows-alt "tooltip": false }, "sway/workspaces": { "all-outputs": false, "disable-scroll": true, "persistent-workspaces": { "": [] }, "format": "{icon}{name}", "format-icons": { "urgent": "", "focused": "", "default": "" } }, "backlight": { "device": "amdgpu_bl0", "format": "{icon} {percent}%", "format-icons": [ "", "" ], "on-scroll-up": "brightnessctl set +1%", "on-scroll-down": "brightnessctl set 1%-" }, "pulseaudio": { //"scroll-step": 1, "format": "{icon} {volume}%", "format-bluetooth": "{icon} {volume}%", "format-muted": "", "format-icons": { "headphones": "󰋋", "handsfree": "󰋎", "headset": "󰋎", "phone": "", "portable": "", "car": "", "default": [ "", "" ] }, "on-click": "pavucontrol" }, "bluetooth": { "format": "", "format-connected": "", "format-connected-battery": "{device_battery_percentage}%", "tooltip-format": "{controller_alias}\t{controller_address}\n\n{num_connections} connected", "tooltip-format-connected": "{controller_alias}\t{controller_address}\n\n{num_connections} connected\n\n{device_enumerate}", "tooltip-format-enumerate-connected": "{device_alias}\t{device_address}", "tooltip-format-enumerate-connected-battery": "{device_alias}\t{device_address}\t{device_battery_percentage}%", "on-click": "blueman-manager" }, "temperature": { "critical-threshold": 80, "interval": 5, "format": "{icon} {temperatureC}°C", "format-icons": [ "", // Icon: temperature-empty "", // Icon: temperature-quarter "", // Icon: temperature-half "", // Icon: temperature-three-quarters "" // Icon: temperature-full ], "tooltip": true }, "tray": { "icon-size": 16, "spacing": 5 }, "idle_inhibitor": { "format": "{icon}", "format-icons": { "activated": "", "deactivated": "" } }, "custom/power-menu": { "tooltip": false, "format": "", "on-click": "wlogout" }, "custom/notification": { "tooltip": false, "format": "{icon}", "format-icons": { "notification": "", "none": "", "dnd-notification": "", "dnd-none": "" }, "return-type": "json", "exec-if": "which swaync-client", "exec": "swaync-client -swb", "on-click": "swaync-client -t -sw", "on-click-right": "swaync-client -d -sw", "escape": true }, "custom/current-task": { "interval": 10, "exec": "source ~/.profile && exec t waybar", "on-click": "source ~/.profile && exec t toggle", "exec-on-event": true, "return-type": "json" } } ]