local opt = vim.opt opt.wildignore = "__pycache__" opt.wildignore = opt.wildignore + { "*.o", "*~", "*.pyc", "*pycache*" } -- Indentation config opt.tabstop = 2 opt.tabstop = 2 opt.shiftwidth = 2 opt.autoindent = true -- Line numbers opt.number = true opt.relativenumber = true -- Misc opt.backspace = "indent,eol,start" -- Allow backspacing over everything in insert mode opt.ttimeoutlen = 50 opt.backup = false -- do not keep a backup file, use versions instead opt.history = 50 -- Keep 50 lines of command line history opt.ruler = true -- Show the cursor position all the time opt.laststatus = 2 -- Always display the status line opt.swapfile = false -- Disable swapfile opt.undofile = true -- Enable undofile (auto supported in NeoVim) opt.showcmd = true -- Display incomplete commands opt.incsearch = true -- Do incremental searching opt.autoread = true -- Reload files changed outside opt.hidden = true -- Allow leaving unsaved buffers opt.inccommand = "nosplit" -- Enable live preview of text replacement opt.hlsearch = true opt.mouse = "a" opt.encoding = "utf-8"