------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - Vim REST Console extensions library - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_vim_rest_home_dir() vim.fn.mkdir(vim.env.NVIMHOME .. "/vim-rest-console", "p") return vim.env.NVIMHOME .. "/vim-rest-console" end -- Opens up a new tab if current buffer is not empty local function new_tab_if_needed() if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) ~= "" then -- Current buffer is not empty, open up a new tab vim.cmd("tabnew") end end local function open_rest_console(file) new_tab_if_needed() local ending = ".rest" if file:sub(-#ending) ~= ending then file = file .. ".rest" end vim.cmd("e " .. file) end local function open_cached_rest_console(name) local dir = get_vim_rest_home_dir() open_rest_console(dir .. "/" .. name) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - Public API - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local M = {} -- Opens us a scratch rest console (not saved) function M.open_scratch_rest_console() new_tab_if_needed() vim.cmd("set ft=rest") end -- Opens up a rest console which can be saved -- cached by name function M.open_cached_rest_console(args) local name = args[0] or args[1] if not name then name = require("common.projects").get_project_id() end open_cached_rest_console(name) end -- Opens up a rest console which can be saved -- cached by name function M.open_named_cached_rest_console(name) name = require("common.projects").get_project_id() .. name open_cached_rest_console(name) end -- Opens up a rest console based on local file path function M.open_local_rest_console(args) local file = args[0] or args[1] if not file then file = "default" end open_rest_console(file) end return M