-- UI setup local input = require("nui.input") local event = require("nui.utils.autocmd").event -- Notifications local fidget = require("fidget") fidget.setup() vim.notify = fidget.notify -- Inputs local input_ui vim.ui.input = function(opts, on_confirm) if input_ui then -- ensure single ui.input operation vim.notify("busy: another input is pending!", vim.log.levels.WARN) return end local function on_done(value) if input_ui then -- if it's still mounted, unmount it input_ui:unmount() end -- pass the input value on_confirm(value) -- indicate the operation is done input_ui = nil end local border_top_text = opts.prompt or "[Input]" local default_value = opts.default input_ui = input({ relative = "cursor", position = { row = 1, col = 0, }, size = { -- minimum width 20 width = math.max(20, type(default_value) == "string" and #default_value or 0), }, border = { style = "rounded", highlight = "Normal", text = { top = border_top_text, top_align = "left", }, }, win_options = { winhighlight = "Normal:Normal", }, }, { default_value = default_value, on_close = function() on_done(nil) end, on_submit = function(value) on_done(value) end, }) input_ui:mount() -- cancel operation if cursor leaves input input_ui:on(event.BufLeave, function() on_done(nil) end, { once = true }) -- cancel operation if <Esc> is pressed input_ui:map("n", "<Esc>", function() on_done(nil) end, { noremap = true, nowait = true }) end -- Selections -- Using telescope for select UI -- Terminal vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("BottomTerminal", function() require("esensar.ui").new_bottom_split({}) vim.fn.termopen(os.getenv("SHELL")) end, { desc = "Open a terminal buffer at the bottom of the editor" })