
91 lines
4.1 KiB

let g:projectionist_heuristics = {
\ "plugin/|autoload/": {
\ "doc/*.txt": {
\ "type": "help",
\ "template": [
\ "*{}.txt* Description",
\ "",
\ "",
\ "Description",
\ "",
\ "CONTENTS *{}-contents*",
\ "",
\ " 1. Overview |{}-overview|",
\ " 2. Requirements |{}-requirements|",
\ " 3. Installation |{}-installation|",
\ " 4. Usage |{}-usage|",
\ " 5. Commands |{}-commands|",
\ " 6. Functions |{}-functions|",
\ " 7. Mappings |{}-mappings|",
\ " 8. Plugs |{}-plugs|",
\ " 9. Options |{}-options|",
\ " 10. Issues |{}-issues|",
\ " 11. Contributing |{}-contributing|",
\ " 12. Version |{}-version|",
\ " 13. License |{}-license|",
\ "",
\ "OVERVIEW *{}-overview*",
\ "",
\ "REQUIREMENTS *{}-requirements*",
\ "",
\ "INSTALLATION *{}-installation*",
\ "",
\ " 1. Plug <>",
\ "",
\ " Add the following to your vimrc, or something sourced therein: >",
\ "",
\ " Plug 'esensar/{}'",
\ "<",
\ " Then install via `:PlugInstall`",
\ "",
\ " 2. Pathogen <> >",
\ "",
\ " cd ~/.vim/bundle",
\ " git clone{}.git",
\ "<",
\ " Then run `:Helptags`",
\ "",
\ " 3. Manual",
\ "",
\ " Clone this repository and copy the files in plugin/, autoload/, and doc/",
\ " to their respective directories in your vimfiles, or copy the text from",
\ " the github repository into new files in those directories. Make sure to",
\ " run `:helptags`.",
\ "",
\ "USAGE *{}-usage*",
\ "",
\ "COMMANDS *{}-commands*",
\ "",
\ "FUNCTIONS *{}-functions*",
\ "",
\ "MAPPINGS *{}-mappings*",
\ "",
\ "PLUGS *{}-plugs*",
\ "",
\ "OPTIONS *{}-options*",
\ "",
\ "ISSUES *{}-issues*",
\ "",
\ "If you experience issues using {}, please report them at",
\ "<{}/issues>.",
\ "",
\ "CONTRIBUTING *{}-contributing*",
\ "",
\ "Feel free to look at already reported issues at ",
\ "<{}/issues>.",
\ "If available, check out in the repository.",
\ "Otherwise, feel free to create a new issue or pull request.",
\ "",
\ "VERSION *{}-version*",
\ "",
\ "Version 1.0.0",
\ "",
\ "LICENSE *{}-license*",
\ "",
\ "vim:tw=78:ts=2:ft=help:norl:"
\ ]
\ },
\ }
\ }