# App configuration DEBUG = False # Define the application directory import os BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Define the database - we are working with SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] DATABASE_CONNECT_OPTIONS = {} # Application threads. A common general assumption is # using 2 per available processor cores - to handle # incoming requests using one and performing background # operations using the other. THREADS_PER_PAGE = 2 # Enable protection agains *Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF)* CSRF_ENABLED = True # Use a secure, unique and absolutely secret key for # signing the data. CSRF_SESSION_KEY = "secret" # Secret key for signing cookies SECRET_KEY = "secret" # MQTT configuration MQTT_BROKER_URL = 'mybroker.com' MQTT_BROKER_PORT = 1883 MQTT_USERNAME = 'user' MQTT_PASSWORD = 'secret' MQTT_REFRESH_TIME = 1.0 # refresh time in seconds