import datetime from app.core import bcrypt from .models import Account, Role from .emailtoken import generate_confirmation_token, confirm_token def create_account(username, email, password): """ Tries to create account with given parameters. Raises error on failure :param username: Desired username for Account :param email: Desired email for Account :param password: Desired password for Account :type username: string :type email: string :type password: string :returns: Account and Email confirmation token if creation was successful :rtype: string :raises: ValueError if account already exists """ if not Account.exists_with_any_of(username=username, email=email): pw_hash = bcrypt.generate_password_hash(password).decode('utf-8') account = Account(username, pw_hash, email) emailtoken = generate_confirmation_token( return account, emailtoken raise ValueError("Account with given parameters already exists") def confirm_email_token(token): try: email = confirm_token(token) except Exception: return False user = Account.query.filter_by(email=email).first_or_404() if user.confirmed: return True else: user.confirmed = True user.confirmed_on = return True def update_account_role(account_id, role_id): """ Tries to update account role :param account_id: Target account id :param role_id: New role role_id :type account_id: int :type role_id: int :returns: True if role is updated successfully :rtype: Boolean """ acc = Account.get(id=account_id) acc.role_id = role_id return acc def create_role(display_name, permissions): """ Tries to create role :param display_name: Name of role - display only :param permissions: List of strings - permissions that this role has :type display_name: String :type permissions: List of String :returns: True if role is successfully created :rtype: Boolean :raises: ValueError if role already exists """ role = Role(display_name, permissions) return role def get_role(role_id): """ Tries to get role :param role_id: Id of role :type role_id: int :returns: Role if found :rtype: Role """ return Role.get(role_id) def get_all_roles(): """ Gets all roles :returns: Role list if found :rtype: List of Roles """ return Role.get_all() def create_token(username, password): """ Tries to create token for account with given parameters. Raises error on failure :param username: username of Account :param password: password of Account :type username: string :type password: string :returns: created token :rtype: string :raises: ValueError if credentials are invalid or account does not exist """ if not Account.exists(username=username): raise ValueError("Invalid credentials") account = Account.get(username=username) if not bcrypt.check_password_hash(account.password, password): raise ValueError("Invalid credentials") if not account.confirmed: print('ACCOUNT NOT CONFIRMED?') raise ValueError("Email not confirmed") return account.create_auth_token() def validate_token(token): """ Validates token and returns associated account :param token: auth token to validate :type token: string :returns: created token :rtype: Account """ return Account.validate_token(token)