# postgresql/pygresql.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2018 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """ .. dialect:: postgresql+pygresql :name: pygresql :dbapi: pgdb :connectstring: postgresql+pygresql://user:password@host:port/dbname\ [?key=value&key=value...] :url: http://www.pygresql.org/ """ import decimal import re from ... import exc, processors, util from ...types import Numeric, JSON as Json from ...sql.elements import Null from .base import PGDialect, PGCompiler, PGIdentifierPreparer, \ _DECIMAL_TYPES, _FLOAT_TYPES, _INT_TYPES, UUID from .hstore import HSTORE from .json import JSON, JSONB class _PGNumeric(Numeric): def bind_processor(self, dialect): return None def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): if not isinstance(coltype, int): coltype = coltype.oid if self.asdecimal: if coltype in _FLOAT_TYPES: return processors.to_decimal_processor_factory( decimal.Decimal, self._effective_decimal_return_scale) elif coltype in _DECIMAL_TYPES or coltype in _INT_TYPES: # PyGreSQL returns Decimal natively for 1700 (numeric) return None else: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "Unknown PG numeric type: %d" % coltype) else: if coltype in _FLOAT_TYPES: # PyGreSQL returns float natively for 701 (float8) return None elif coltype in _DECIMAL_TYPES or coltype in _INT_TYPES: return processors.to_float else: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "Unknown PG numeric type: %d" % coltype) class _PGHStore(HSTORE): def bind_processor(self, dialect): if not dialect.has_native_hstore: return super(_PGHStore, self).bind_processor(dialect) hstore = dialect.dbapi.Hstore def process(value): if isinstance(value, dict): return hstore(value) return value return process def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): if not dialect.has_native_hstore: return super(_PGHStore, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) class _PGJSON(JSON): def bind_processor(self, dialect): if not dialect.has_native_json: return super(_PGJSON, self).bind_processor(dialect) json = dialect.dbapi.Json def process(value): if value is self.NULL: value = None elif isinstance(value, Null) or ( value is None and self.none_as_null): return None if value is None or isinstance(value, (dict, list)): return json(value) return value return process def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): if not dialect.has_native_json: return super(_PGJSON, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) class _PGJSONB(JSONB): def bind_processor(self, dialect): if not dialect.has_native_json: return super(_PGJSONB, self).bind_processor(dialect) json = dialect.dbapi.Json def process(value): if value is self.NULL: value = None elif isinstance(value, Null) or ( value is None and self.none_as_null): return None if value is None or isinstance(value, (dict, list)): return json(value) return value return process def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): if not dialect.has_native_json: return super(_PGJSONB, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) class _PGUUID(UUID): def bind_processor(self, dialect): if not dialect.has_native_uuid: return super(_PGUUID, self).bind_processor(dialect) uuid = dialect.dbapi.Uuid def process(value): if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, (str, bytes)): if len(value) == 16: return uuid(bytes=value) return uuid(value) if isinstance(value, int): return uuid(int=value) return value return process def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): if not dialect.has_native_uuid: return super(_PGUUID, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) if not self.as_uuid: def process(value): if value is not None: return str(value) return process class _PGCompiler(PGCompiler): def visit_mod_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): return self.process(binary.left, **kw) + " %% " + \ self.process(binary.right, **kw) def post_process_text(self, text): return text.replace('%', '%%') class _PGIdentifierPreparer(PGIdentifierPreparer): def _escape_identifier(self, value): value = value.replace(self.escape_quote, self.escape_to_quote) return value.replace('%', '%%') class PGDialect_pygresql(PGDialect): driver = 'pygresql' statement_compiler = _PGCompiler preparer = _PGIdentifierPreparer @classmethod def dbapi(cls): import pgdb return pgdb colspecs = util.update_copy( PGDialect.colspecs, { Numeric: _PGNumeric, HSTORE: _PGHStore, Json: _PGJSON, JSON: _PGJSON, JSONB: _PGJSONB, UUID: _PGUUID, } ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(PGDialect_pygresql, self).__init__(**kwargs) try: version = self.dbapi.version m = re.match(r'(\d+)\.(\d+)', version) version = (int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))) except (AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): version = (0, 0) self.dbapi_version = version if version < (5, 0): has_native_hstore = has_native_json = has_native_uuid = False if version != (0, 0): util.warn("PyGreSQL is only fully supported by SQLAlchemy" " since version 5.0.") else: self.supports_unicode_statements = True self.supports_unicode_binds = True has_native_hstore = has_native_json = has_native_uuid = True self.has_native_hstore = has_native_hstore self.has_native_json = has_native_json self.has_native_uuid = has_native_uuid def create_connect_args(self, url): opts = url.translate_connect_args(username='user') if 'port' in opts: opts['host'] = '%s:%s' % ( opts.get('host', '').rsplit(':', 1)[0], opts.pop('port')) opts.update(url.query) return [], opts def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): if isinstance(e, self.dbapi.Error): if not connection: return False try: connection = connection.connection except AttributeError: pass else: if not connection: return False try: return connection.closed except AttributeError: # PyGreSQL < 5.0 return connection._cnx is None return False dialect = PGDialect_pygresql