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450 lines
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import sys
import hmac
import urllib.parse
import datetime
import hashlib
from secrets import token_urlsafe
from .models import (Device,
from itsdangerous import URLSafeSerializer
from app.core import app
from app.errors import NotPresentError
from app.jsonql import api as jsonql
# Private helpers
def generate_hmac_for_message(device_id, raw_json):
device = Device.get(id=device_id)
raw_json_bytes = urllib.parse.urlencode(raw_json).encode('utf-8')
return hmac.new(
bytes(device.device_secret, 'utf-8'),
def validate_hmac_in_message(device_id, raw_json):
hmac_value = raw_json.pop('hmac', None)
calculated_hmac = generate_hmac_for_message(device_id, raw_json)
if not hmac.compare_digest(hmac_value, calculated_hmac):
raise ValueError("Bad hmac")
# Public interface
def create_device(name, account_id, device_type=1):
Tries to create device with given parameters
:param name: Desired device name
:param device_type: Id of desired device type.
By default it is 1 (STANDARD)
:type name: string
:type device_type: int
:returns: True if device is successfully created
:rtype: Boolean
device = Device(name, None, device_type)
device_association = DeviceAssociation(device.id, account_id)
return device
def create_device_type(name):
Tries to create device type with given parameters
:param name: Desired device type name
:type name: string
:returns: True if device type is successfully created
:rtype: Boolean
device_type = DeviceType(name)
return device_type
def set_device_configuration(device_id, configuration_json):
Tries to update configuration of device with given id
:param device_id: Id of device to change configuration
:param configuration_json: New configuration
:type device_id: int
:type configuration_json: JSON
:rtype: Boolean
from .tasks import send_config
device = Device.get(id=device_id)
device.configuration = configuration_json
configuration_json['hmac'] = generate_hmac_for_message(
send_config.delay(device_id, str(configuration_json))
return device
def get_device_configuration(device_id):
Tries to get configuration for device with given parameters.
:param device_id: Id of device
:type device_id: int
:returns: Configuration of given device
:rtype: JSON Configuration
return Device.get(id=device_id).configuration
def get_device_recordings(device_id):
Tries to get device recording for device with given parameters. Raises
error on failure
:param device_id: Id of device
:type device_id: int
:returns: List of Recordings for given device
:rtype: List of Recording
:raises: ValueError if device does not exist
if not Device.exists(id=device_id):
raise NotPresentError("Device with id %s does not exist" % device_id)
return Recording.get_many(device_id=device_id)
def get_device_recordings_filtered(device_id, record_type=None,
start_date=None, end_date=None):
Tries to get device recording for device with given parameters. Raises
error on failure
:param device_id: Id of device
:param record_type: Type of recording
:param start_date: Lower date limit
:param end_date: Upper date limit
:type device_id: int
:type record_type: int
:type start_date: Date (string: %d-%m-%Y)
:type end_date: Date (string: %d-%m-%Y)
:returns: List of Recordings for given filters
:rtype: List of Recording
:raises: ValueError if device does not exist
if not Device.exists(id=device_id):
raise NotPresentError("Device with id %s does not exist" % device_id)
return Recording.get_many_filtered(device_id, record_type,
start_date, end_date)
def get_latest_device_recording(device_id):
Tries to get most recent recording for device with given parameters. Raises
error on failure
:param device_id: Id of device
:type device_id: int
:returns: Single recording (last recording)
:rtpe: Recording
:raises: ValueError if device does not exist
if not Device.exists(id=device_id):
raise NotPresentError("Device with id %s does not exist" % device_id)
return Recording.get_latest(device_id)
def get_device(device_id):
Tries to get device with given parameters. Raises error on failure
:param device_id: Id of device
:type device_id: int
:returns: Requested device
:rtype: Device
return Device.get(id=device_id)
def reset_device_secret(device_id):
Resets device secret for device with given parameters. Raises error on
:param device_id: Id of device
:type device_id: int
:returns: Requested device
:rtype: Device
device = Device.get(id=device_id)
device.device_secret = token_urlsafe(32)
return device
def update_algorithm(device_id, algorithm):
Updates device secret algorithm for device with given parameters. Raises
error on failure
:param device_id: Id of device
:type device_id: int
:param algorithm: Name of new algorithm
:type algorithm: string
:returns: Requested device
:rtype: Device
if algorithm not in hashlib.algorithms_available:
raise ValueError("Unsupported algorithm! Supported algorithms: " +
str(hashlib.algorithms_available) + ". Some of " +
"these may not work on all platforms. These are " +
"guaranteed to work on every platform: " +
device = Device.get(id=device_id)
device.secret_algorithm = algorithm
return device
def can_user_access_device(account_id, device_id):
Checks if user with given account_id can access device with given device_id
:param account_id: Id of account
:param device_id: Id of device
:type account_id: int
:type device_id: int
:returns: true if device is accessible by this account, false otherwise
:rtype: Boolean
return len(DeviceAssociation.get_many(account_id=account_id,
device_id=device_id)) > 0
def get_device_type(device_type_id):
Tries to get device type with given parameters. Raises error on failure
:param device_type_id: Id of device type
:type device_type_id: int
:returns: Requested device type
:rtype: DeviceType
return DeviceType.get(id=device_type_id)
def delete_device(device_id):
Tries to delete device with given parameters. Does not raise errors
def get_devices(account_id):
Tries to get all devices associated to account. Raises error on
:returns: List of Devices associated to this account
:rtype: List of Devices
return Device.get_many_for_user(account_id)
def get_device_documentation(device_id):
Tries to get device documentation associated to given device.
:returns: DeviceDocumentation
if not Device.exists(id=device_id):
raise NotPresentError("Device with id %s does not exist" % device_id)
return DeviceDocumentation.get_for_device(device_id)
def update_device_documentation(device_id, new_text):
Tries to update device documentation
if not Device.exists(id=device_id):
raise NotPresentError("Device with id %s does not exist" % device_id)
device_documentation = DeviceDocumentation.get_for_device(device_id)
device_documentation.text = new_text
return device_documentation
def get_device_types():
Tries to get all device types. Raises error on failure
:returns: List of device types
:rtype: List of DeviceTypes
return DeviceType.get_many()
def parse_raw_json_recording(device_id, json_msg):
Parses raw json recording and creates Recording object
:param device_id: Id of device
:type device_id: int
:param raw_json: Raw json received
:type raw_json: json
:raises: ValueError if parsing fails
return Recording(device_id=device_id,
except KeyError:
error_type, error_instance, traceback = sys.exc_info()
raise ValueError("JSON parsing failed! Key error: "
+ str(error_instance))
def create_recording_and_return(device_id, raw_json,
Tries to create recording with given parameters and returns it.
Raises error on failure
:param device_id: Id of device
:type device_id: int
:param raw_json: Raw json received
:type raw_json: json
:raises: ValueError if parsing fails or device does not exist
if not Device.exists(id=device_id):
raise NotPresentError("Device does not exist!")
if not authenticated:
validate_hmac_in_message(device_id, raw_json)
recording = parse_raw_json_recording(device_id, raw_json)
return recording
def create_recording(device_id, raw_json):
Tries to create recording with given parameters. Raises error on failure
:param device_id: Id of device
:type device_id: int
:param raw_json: Raw json received
:type raw_json: json
:raises: ValueError if parsing fails or device does not exist
if not Device.exists(id=device_id):
raise NotPresentError("Device does not exist!")
validate_hmac_in_message(device_id, raw_json)
recording = parse_raw_json_recording(device_id, raw_json)
with app.app_context():
def create_targeted_device_sharing_token(
device_id, access_level_id, account_id=None):
Creates device sharing token that can be passed only to account with passed
id in order to allow access to device
:param device_id: Id of device
:type device_id: int
:param access_level_id: Id of access level this link will give
:type access_level_id: int
:param account_id: Id of account
:type account_id: int
:raises: ValueError if device does not exist
if not Device.exists(id=device_id):
raise NotPresentError("Device does not exist!")
if not AccessLevel.exists(id=access_level_id):
raise NotPresentError("AccessLevel does not exist!")
data_to_serialize = {
'device_id': device_id,
'access_level_id': access_level_id
if account_id is not None:
data_to_serialize['account_id'] = account_id
serializer = URLSafeSerializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY'],
token = serializer.dumps(data_to_serialize)
return token
def activate_device_sharing_token(account_id, token):
Activates device sharing token for account with passed id
:param account_id: Id of account
:type account_id: int
:param token: Token created by device owner
:type token: string
:raises: ValueError if device does not exist
serializer = URLSafeSerializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY'],
token_data = serializer.loads(token)
device_id = token_data['device_id']
access_level_id = token_data['access_level_id']
if (token_data.get('account_id') or account_id) != account_id:
return False
if not Device.exists(id=device_id):
raise NotPresentError("Device does not exist!")
device_association = DeviceAssociation(device_id, account_id,
return True
def run_custom_query(device_id, request):
Runs custom query as defined by jsonql module
if not Device.exists(id=device_id):
raise NotPresentError("Device does not exist!")
def recording_field_provider(name):
if name == 'record_value':
return Recording.record_value
if name == 'record_type':
return Recording.record_type
if name == 'device_id':
return Recording.device_id
if name == 'recorded_at':
return Recording.recorded_at
if name == 'received_at':
return Recording.received_at
resulting_query = jsonql.run_query_on(Recording.query.with_entities(),
final_query = resulting_query.filter(Recording.device_id == device_id)
resulting_columns = final_query.column_descriptions
result = final_query.all()
formatted_result = []
for row in result:
formatted_row = {}
for idx, col in enumerate(row):
if isinstance(col, datetime.datetime):
col = col.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat()
formatted_row[resulting_columns[idx]['name']] = col
return formatted_result